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Everything posted by joeblowwwww

  1. not to sound bias but I think it's gonna be California. WRB/Tom is right. I can see the biggest being caught then let go b4 verification. most bass fisherman in Ca are very conservative with catches and most will probably never get more than a quick pic b4 being put back in.
  2. Where I live it's bigger than ever. it surprises me how many kids are fishing and kind of have an idea what's going on in bass fishing. maybe it's where you live? I live in Ca.
  3. serious? been bank fishing my whole life and take the occasional boat trip but i have no doubt in my mind I could catch bass in a boat with no prior experience. maybe you should dock it and learn how to fish the basics from the bank first. might not hurt in your case.
  4. I love Senko fishing weightless.... always works. caught my PB's on them. I hate Senko fishing weightless.... caught my smallest on them too and its freakin boring
  5. ... I agree Matt Allen is a bit of a self promoter. but I find his articles and videos on swimbaits/glidebaits some of the best out there. I saw him speak 1 time and I have to say I learned a lot from him. Tom....... I bet you would be more interesting to hear speak. if you ever do let us know.
  6. Downsize!! I use 6lb. flouro in those situations. GY Plastics make all the difference in picky situations trust me.
  7. It makes it harder when you pull up to all your favorite spots and there is a lot of people you have never seen b4. but that's just a challenge. i'ts not over.... there is always the morning bite. a lot of those same people don't get up for the early at least in my area. and will always be the best time anyway. just skip any other time until Fall.
  8. no offense MB but if you are willing to buy and upkeep a boat ( which I can't pull off fishing 6 days a week) spending a couple extra dollars to actually catch the fish doesn't seem like much of a burden. and that softness is why picky bass bite 'em.
  9. When in these situations (tough bite) there is no substitute for a Gary Yamamoto plastic....( after experimenting with many in the same situation i have found they work 99% of the time) try a creature Black/ blue. If you are slow dragging it you have to tune in to the feeling of a slight weight feeling on the end almost like getting stuck in heavy algae for a second, set the hook. those bites are almost too late when they are picky.
  10. I know a guy who was killed fishing on a bank in Florida somewhere... went there to work after a hurricane wiped everything about 20 yrs ago. they found him on a bank with his fishing stuff and a bullet in his back... turned out some crackheads saw him.. shot him and bragged about the $40 they got off him. BE CAREFUL !!!!!
  11. ha,,,, like to see where this is gonna go. these kind of things are always entertaining ( you do sound sincere bassless i'm not messing with ya)
  12. Senko's(green pumpkin/red flake) or Creatures(black/blue flake) by Gary Yamamoto the bluegills won't take the creatures as much as the senkos. I ran into a similar problem with a local pond that no one fishes cause of permission issues. tried other soft plastics and lures of every kind and no luck until I switched to the Gary Y"s. you really see the difference in a product in those situations.
  13. Bass taste like **** that's about it.. I'm sure there are a lot of guys on here who think differently but that's just my opinion. if I'm looking for dinner I hit the ocean. 99% of the places I freshwater fish you couldn't pay me enough to eat it because of pollution and mercury.
  14. if you can see them... they definitely can see you!!! no offence but that seems like 1 of the first things you learn about bass fishing. or any fishing.
  15. Thats a Superline hook. . I use the same Gam. hook without the weight and they work great!! tried a bunch of different 1's till I found those.
  16. I agree... I usually start off getting at least a fish or 2 on reg. set ups then switching to the swimbait. at least you're not sitting there all day in the beginning feeling frustrated. and I agree color does not matter . I catch fish with rainbow colored swimbaits in ponds that don't have shad or trout.
  17. READ THIS GIRLS any G Loomis rod especially the NRX series with any top Shimano reel. you can't loose unless he already has 1 You could also get some nice swimbaits like Huddelston or maybe an assortment of some Megabass lures.they are a lot less personal then buying a rod and reel. this is a very personal thing for a fisherman. Would you want him to be picking out your clothes at the mall? no. but if he bought a nice accessory you would be petty happy.
  18. uuuuummmmmmm...... just fish that sounds like a lot of stuff that goes thru your head while fishing. everybody does some kind of thinking.
  19. almost every day!! works great. I use Gary Y senkos or creatures weedless ( i even cut off the barb) get ready for them to hit it on the drop almost every time and leave slack for them to play with it and to hook 'em good. the black/blue creatures are the best !! now I have said too much......................
  20. They are never gonna take it when they see you!! as far as the other spot.... there are so many factors in why you are not getting any strikes that you could not ask someone to fit it in this post. if you had to simplify things I would listen to WRB (Tom) he always has good insight and a wealth of knowledge on this and other subjects.
  21. I guess there are people out there who keep Bass.. sometimes I forget that because where I live about 99% of the fishing population release them.
  22. I'm sure every State has some good Bass fishing... I have fished a couple of the better 1's like CA, FL,GA, PA, NJ, NY, MI, MN and they are all special in their own way but like I said I couldn't imagine a bad 1. that's why i like to pond fish a lot. because every State in America is stacked with them and they are hard to compare on a State to State basis like lakes or rivers that are more known thru history or fishing media. But if you had to pick 1 State it would have to be Ca. just for diversity and square miles alone. (drought not included)
  23. I was fishing at my local lake when i noticed down the bank that there were a bunch of kids taking bass ( about 3 to 4 lber's) and smashing them with stuff on the bank. Kids are kids but after the 3rd or 4th fish I nicely said " hey guys could you please not treat those guys like that?" and they were like "sorry" but their dad got in my face and told me to mind my own business. told me he was a local and he could do what he wanted to do with a mean sneer. Well first off I was taken a little aback cause I fish this spot at least 8 to 10 times a week and I have never seen this guy before. not to mention I'm a local ( though I never pull that card) and quickly asked him what schools he went to he was at a lost for words. also I could have snapped this guy like a twig but that is never the answer and it's never a good idea to beat someone up in front of their kids. I say this cause he kept taunting me and I was starting to feel really uncomfortable. To make it short I went back to my truck called the Ranger and left.... they called me later that day and told me that when they showed up the dumb ass still had all the dead fish on the bank, didn't have a fish license ( never had 1 in the state) and tried to start a fight with the Ranger claiming he was local. they said they gave him every possible fine that they could. how much they wouldn't say but i could only imagine. what a dumb ass!!! Anybody out there have any similar stories?
  24. I put dirt or sand on my hands and then rinse it in the lake.... a little primitive but it works great.
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