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Everything posted by Bostonstronggggg

  1. Hmm... I'm going out tomorrow morning to practice, so I will keep this in mind! Thanks!
  2. I too think mastering different types of tackle is fun and important, which is why I'm trying out a baitcaster, but ugh it's frustrating at first...Also, I thought baitcaster were supposed to cast farther than spinning gear. Not light lures, of course, but heavier lures, right?
  3. Ok, will do! But the real issue isn't so much the birds nest. It's really casting distance. It just feels like my line is 'not' coming out smoothly. I spooled it in the same way as the line memory so I mean it should be good right?
  4. I really wanna say this is the issue. I mean the rod hardly bends. I'll try to have a friend lend me a less stiff casting rod and I'll try it out then. Thanks!
  5. Thanks for the Advice! And nice hockey reference! It made a lot of sense! HAHA!
  6. Thank you for all your help, John! I will try out some heavier lures!
  7. Yeah, it is a stiff rod. It wasn't my first choice, as it was given to me as a gift haha, but I will keep that in mind. Thanks for your help, man.
  8. HAHA! I guess it is me then? But I seriously can't cast far at all. It feels like the line's not coming out smoothly. I also forgot to mention that when I reel in, there seems to be a sound coming from the reel. Is it just the line noise? Is that normal? Thanks for you comment btw.
  9. I've recently picked up my first baitcasting setup and have been frustrated of recently. I got a Lew's Speed Spool LFS on sale for $69.99 http://www.lews.com/casting-speedspool.php AND An Abu Garcia Veritas 2.0 7'0" MH/F Micro Guide. It was a gift and I just noticed the micro guides... But anyways, I've read all about baitcasters, watched a million videos on how to set one up, adjusting the spool tension knob for each lure, brake systems, ect... BUT when I go to cast (i started with a side arm cast), my lure with go 15-20 feet at the most... And when I cast over hand, the lure with goes like straight into the water 10 feet ahead of me and I'll get a huge birds nest... I, first, spooled it with 50# power pro for frog fishing (5/8 ounce frog!) and thought, maybe it's too heavy of a line for a micro guide rod, and then I spooled it with 15# braid and got the exact same result... I'm not whipping it like I would a spinning rod (even tho i tried that), I'm smoothly casting it and have no idea why I can't get any distance... Do I need to oil/grease up a new reel? It seemed to be over oiled when I got it. Also, one thing to point out is, the guides on my rod seem to be 'not' perfectly straight. Could that be the issue? They seem to be leaning left. Any advice??? It's making me only want to use spinning gear for the rest of my life and never use a baitcaster again. I promise, it's not my casting. I'm not that bad/dumb at casting, but I have no idea what the problem could be.
  10. What lures are high ratios good for? I assume not cranking...
  11. Just wondering... I said "Dumb Question -_-"
  12. I bank fish and want a box that's very versital and can carry anything, but it also needs to be able to fit in a backpack. I have one bait casting rod/reel and one spinning rod/reel. I just want to be able to cover all types of fishing and I just need something to carry all my tackle. Any popular tackle boxes I should consider? I don't wanna just throw all my stuff in a backpack.
  13. So... fish that have NOT been caught before... Do they know what fishing is and that they're at risk of being caught? Like... if they see the fishing line, do they even know what that is? LOL.
  14. I just picked up that reel and I'm very interested in the *** Black... What type of fishing do you plan to use it for?
  15. If you don't get the Duckett rod. The 2 other best rods in that price range, I would look at, are the "*** - *** Black" and the "Abu Garcia - Veritas 2.0" Best to worse IMO: 1) *** Black 2) Veritas 2.0 3) Ghost
  16. What is everyone's favorite lure to fish? Also, what is your most effective lure? It can be any kind...
  17. That's what I'm saying. Maybe it's just wether the fish is in the mood to eat or not. Not so much the color. Hmm...
  18. What's the best all around length for a baitcasting rod? A 6'6" MH or a 7'0" MH? Is 1/2 a foot really gonna make that big of a difference? I mean, I'd like to get the 6'6" over a 7'0" rod, because I fish around a lot of brush, but if a 7'0" rod gives some major advantages, like casting distance, then I don't mind it. What are your thoughts?
  19. I'm new to baitcasters and I'm looking for a braided line for my frog fishing setup. Can you guys suggest a good brand?
  20. I just realized I posted this in the wrong topic area, but thank you for all of your answers!
  21. Do they even matter? I know fish really only see the bottom of the frog, but I feel like it would just be silhouetted (only looking dark.) against the brighter sky, no matter what color. Any thoughts?
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