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Everything posted by FLStorm

  1. Sorry for your loss.
  2. Rest in Peace
  3. A couple of months back I found some around the bridges on the Alley. Not sure, but seemed like they were bedding. Caught a decent one just can't figured out how to post the picture on here.
  4. I know Captain Shane has been catching them.
  5. Where at in the Everglades are you going? Right now water is high in my area and the bass fishing has been slow. Have seen some Peacock Bass reports saying they are biting.
  6. Welcome to the board. Flukes are great baits. I fish them all the time.
  7. Glad to see this report. My last trip in the Glades didn't go so well.
  8. Any word on the Holey Lands?
  9. Swivels or snap swivels? I'm not a big fan of snap swivels, but use barrel swivels when fishing unweighted Flukes.
  10. I've had 1 good trip out of my last 4 times fishing the Alley. With it being so hot and water not flowing, I think the oxygen is depleting. Seems like Mudfish are thriving this season. Some people tell me they are doing good flipping deep into cover. I should be on the Alley in the beginning of July. Hopefully I can catch a few of those bigger girls like those you caught.
  11. Figures day late and a dollar short. hahah
  12. What is it that you are looking for? If I was going to buy something in that price range, I would go with the Helix and get GPS, 2D, Down imaging and side imaging. I would rather have both down and side imaging. Some guys only use down for the type of fishing they do. In those cases a down imaging only unit would give a display. What I've learned is to find out why people like one over the other, but at the end of the day what works for me might not work for you.
  13. Launched the boat around 8am and noticed the water level has gone up since my last trip. Made a short run to our first spot. We started out using watermelon flukes (had to test out my new spinning rod and reel.) Got four dinks pretty quick, then the bite slowed down. My buddy switched to a ribbon tail with a light bullet weight and started picking up some fish deep. That only lasted a couple of fish, then we decided to go further west. We did better going west, but never established a solid pattern. Would catch one on a frog then that bite would stop. Would go back to a fluke for a fish or two then back to the bottom. Biggest landed was only around 1 1/2lbs. Out of about 15 fish caught. Thinking I going to try some evening trips to see if the bite is any better.
  14. Congratulations
  15. JP McKay.... Shane Procell.... both are good guides.
  16. Carbureted Johnsons are bulletproof. They had some problems during the FITCH era. For a while the re-labeled4 stoke Suzuki motors as 4 stroke Johnsons.
  17. Ended up going with the BPS charger that puts out 5 amps per 3 banks. From what I can tell, looks like it's made by pro mariner. Hopefully it ends up being a good charger. Not a 10 amp per bank like my Guest was but it is supposed to recondition the batteries for longer life.
  18. Congratulations! Glad the fishing didn't disappoint.
  19. Hahah...Way2slow...that's what I've heard about some of the chargers out there. My Guest was bought from BPS back when BPS carried them. It has been a good charger, need to do my homework to see if they kept their quality up. Lost my battery charger and spun a trailer hub all on the same weekend.
  20. After about 15 years of usage, my Guest battery charger died. I know that the technology has changed a lot since I bought that one. I'm wondering what chargers you guys like and why. Thanks, Chris
  21. Geo I think that's where we were. We were trying out new water and like a dummy I wasn't paying too much attention to the mile markers. No missing me. Red and Grey Storm with Carlos Garcia painted on the motor. One of these days I've got to wet sand that guys name off my motor! lol
  22. For us the bite was on until the rain started coming in. We were catching them on Horny Toads, Flappin Shads, Flukes, Gambler ribbon tails and spinnerbaits. Biggest was around 4 with a bunch of 1 1/2-2lbs with a few 3 lbs thrown in. Were you fishing out of a Tracker?
  23. There are some spots in Key West that you can fish for Barracuda just like you would fish for bass. Years ago, my father would take me to a spot kinda hidden away. We would pick up some frozen bait fish and pull them across the surface. The Barracuda would chase for a few until you let the bait fall, then the fight was on!
  24. Planning on going to the lake this Sunday. Not familiar with Uncle Joe's cut. Was planning on launching out of Slim's. Is this in the area of Uncle Joe's?
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