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About southernson1989

  • Birthday 10/21/1989

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Columbus, Ga
  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Goat Rock
  • Other Interests
    Freedom and the means to protect it.

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  1. It seems I'm waging a one man war on spots. Used to be on the lake I fish when you caught a spot it was a fun little novelty but they don't grow to any size on goat rock and last year four out of five bass I caught were spots. I'm worried about those fast little aggressive suckers out competing the large mouth so they are going in the fryer pan or to a co-worker this year.
  2. If you can see them doing all that then I promise they can see you. I fish a lake on the Chattahoochee. It's almost always got a good bit of stain and sometimes it's chocolate milk. I can only remember one day in 26 years it was clear as glass. Use the force. When I fish a jig where I know a bass should be I'll hop it a few times then shake a little. Then shake it a little more. Then I wait a few seconds. At this point I can usually feel if theres one eyeballing it. I'll shake it a third time and whack. Got em. If not on the third shake then more often then not they will get when I start reeling it back in and the claws on the craw trailer start flapping. I guess I can feel when they are looking at it because I've patterned them continuously. Now this isn't everywhere just spots I've fished constantly. But anyway. Do something similar based on what the bass have shown you. If you keep seeing them pull away then try dropping the rod tip and killing it before you see the bait or the fish. Also where clothing to match your background. I've definitely put more thought into my fishing camping than my hunting camp. Hope this helps.
  3. Sounds like a spot to me. Was there a rough patch on the tongue?
  4. southernson1989


    personal best as I catch em.
  5. Have you tried dragging for it? Maybe one of those big weighted treble hooks they use for snagging alligators that have been shot and sank? Was it to deep to dive for it?
  6. Thanks. Even got a picture to go with it. I'll be sure to grab one.
  7. Goodmorning fellas. So I've taken to night fishing for bass since I work third shift in the foundry and messing with my sleep schedule makes for a exhausting and dangerous night at work. I've been going down to goat rock marina where I would normally put my boat in and fishing from the ramp then the dock. I had some luck with a pink and pearl rapalas jerk bait but other than that it's been slim pickings. The water is cold and muddy. But I'm going fishing. Period. This evening me and my girlfriend are gonna make the 45 minute drive to opelika from Columbus GA to get me some lures at the gander mountain and dicks they have there and I need some advice on what to get. I'm gonna replace the jerkbait because the lip busted off the second night I used it and get a black spinner Bait with a Colorado blade but don't know what else to get. When we get back to town I'm gonna take her to a nice restaurant she's been talking about and I'll probably hit the water about 3 am after she falls asleep. Like I said the water is cold and muddy and it doesn't get more than seven feet deep in front of the dock when the water is up and its in a cove so I have no trouble casting to the opposite bank. Also the cove is full of what looks like hydrilla. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  8. I can only imagine how much that would suck. When I was about 9 or 10 I reckon when it was the middle of the day and everyone said it was too hot to take the boat out til late afternoon they would let me get in a little inflateble raft with a rope connecting it to the dock and not get carried off by the current if they opened the dam so I could paddle just out of casting range from the dock to catch the fat bluegill that liked to hang out around this tree that had a bunch of leafy branches hanging in the water. Looking back now I can't believe I never saw a snake in that tree. But if one tried to climb up in my pool toy forget the paddles I would have been hauling my butt back to the dock with rope in record time lol.
  9. I love Copenhagen dip. It seems that I always start catching the bass after I put in my first dip on the water. Even if I'm using the same lure and presentation. So now i dont dip on the way to the lake and pack a hammer when i get to my first spot before i make a cast. That might be a superstition but 9 times out 10 it works out. I even checked my fishing journal and it seems to be validated. Another thing I do is I spit some bacca juice on my soft plastics and rub it in or on the line when I'm retyeing if got a dip in. It seems when the bang and the jj's magic ain't helping the juice will. Kinda makes sense. Who would have thought garlic and coffee scents would work but they do so it's not that far-fetched to think that tobacco would. Anybody else try this?
  10. Just an update if y'all are interested. I survived my first week with nothing worse than some blisters,aches, busted knuckles, and funnily enough a beating on the head from an industrial grade air hose that blew loose behind me while a was working a thirty inch stand grinder. It's interesting working a press that cuts steel with 25k pounds of pressure a guy lost his arm in a couple months ago to say the least. But the only real downside is the place floods when it rains because of holes in the roof so guess whose job it is to push filthy cold water out of the foundry that's ankle deep with a push broom for eight hours? But I'm not complaining. I'm grateful for the work. I've done worse for less. Can't wait to get my first check this Friday.
  11. Definitely a Blessing.
  12. Once again thanks for all the support guys. Just an update if y'all are interested today was my orientation and I start Monday night on third shift as a cell operator grinding and inspecting car parts like calipers and knuckles and such. When I finish my sixty day probation I get a raise, benefits, and even vouchers for steel toe boots and prescription eye protection. I can't wait. Not to mention once all the needs around the house are taken care of and I've replenished my emergency fund I'll have a good bit of disposable income. I see fishing goodies in the future. Get some pumps for my live well, new rod and real for my girlfriend, and some new soft plastics. The bass won't know what hit em
  13. True but knowing all I have to do to get my grandparents dinner is go to the store is a relief. When thought about that way it all tastes great
  14. Thanks for all the support guys
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