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Captain Underpants

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About Captain Underpants

  • Birthday 05/16/1994

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Man, Tom Brady is blowing my mind. Its incredible. Peyton, well, he's doin okay, for now... GO PATRIOTS!!
  2. In that case... Mind if I take your popeye name? Liked it a lot. Please take it.......anything has to be better than Captain Underpants Too late... I like Captain Underpants (more than baitmonkey13 anyways) ;D
  3. darn... but I'm sick of baitmonkey13.
  4. In that case... Mind if I take your popeye name? Liked it a lot.
  5. congrats on the post count. And yes, GET YOURSELF A NEW ROD!
  6. Hey, at least you ain't in the south side of Chicago!
  7. I would, but I'm already in a league with my friends and also have fantasy baseball to worry about. For those of you who haven't played before, real life ends soon.
  8. Thats a good one!
  9. The post or the poster? :
  10. lol, thats a good one.
  11. Darn, all the ball caps are sold out! > I like those shirts though...
  12. I hunt squirrel, rabbit, crow, and twinkies. I use a .22, pellet gun, or the ol' piehole. ;D
  13. I'm not against shooting snakes but why shoot it out of the tree in the first place? If it was poisonous and somebody was up there too, well okay, but just shooting into a tree not knowing what was a ways behind the tree... My prayers are with the boys family. (How happy the boy would be if he could throw his lure as far as some people can throw the bull.)
  14. - Grow up to be just like my Dad - Meet my favorite actor - Serve in the Marines - Walk 1,000 miles - Catch a marlin - Suckerpunch Al Gore - Make sure I die fighting for something worth it. I intend to go out with a bang.
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