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Everything posted by LuckyGia

  1. I read a lot of information. Some I use, some I don't. I am curious about the use of a leader when you have a spool full of braid. I see people are using Flourocarbon leaders to hide the line from the fish. I have to say that I have been fishing for over 40 years. And I have never had to hide my line from the fish. I believe that if you land that lure in front of that bass, they don't care if you have exposed braid. Am I missing a big picture here ?
  2. Did it today with a Tiger Musky. He sucked those two treble hooks right down. I did the best I could because musky tend to close their mouths when you stick pliers in there. He lost a 1/4" of gill and I felt terrible. I hope he made it.
  3. You got a LUND aye. LUND is a good boat aye
  4. Sometimes I don't make myself very clear. I meant that the " Bass boat elite " consider the aluminum as inferior. Not me, I also own a aluminum model as well. Paid cash and that is the real reason. I just didn't have 60k in my wallet.
  5. Aluminum boats are considered inferior to fiberglass boats. Almost a quarter of the price, hence entry level. I love reading about the deals people are finding. When I was looking last year, I couldn't find a decent glass boat for under 20k. That is why I am riding aluminum Me ? I will take a 5 year old aluminum boat over a 25 year old glass any day. That is the question people need to ask them selves. Do I want a newer boat and motor ? Or do I want a antique boat and motor for 10 to 15k ? The most expensive and important part is the outboard. I'll take a nice minty 25 year old boat if it has a brand new motor mounted on her.
  6. I went out today thinking I would likely get skunked because of a cold front came through. Started slow but once I found the spawning fish it was on ! Most of them were caught on the side of their face as I assume they were protecting their nest. I would bet that as long as you can find spawning bass, you will be fine.
  7. I keep 4 rods on deck all with a different type of lure. Deep crankbait, shallow crankbait, Lizard with 1/4oz weight, spinnerbait. I am usually ready for any condition with those 4 baits.
  8. I went today after writing you and he is open. I didn't give it much of a thought because this cold front came through. Bass didn't care at all. Did well. I went to Otisco Friday and caught ond dink. Went back Monday and caught a giant smallie and a huge Largemouth. North end, west side is where the action is. Use your electronics and find grass. You won't be able to see it by eye yet. Grass in 8 to 10 ft of water. Spinnerbait, crankbait, rolling slow. Good luck
  9. Hey Chief Has Jerry opened the launch at his store yet ? Been catching huge smallies and LM at Otisco but missing the Deruyter action.
  10. ??? I have a 12v tm with two 12v batteries. I can run 12 hours without a recharge. Am I reading correctly that you are only getting 2.5 hours out of a charge ? And it is why I chose my Smokercraft because the tm batteries are up front with the tm. No extra weight in the back
  11. I have only been here one week and I am about to scream. I feel bad for everyone that has spent the winter here.
  12. Upstate NY here with blowing accumulating snow and freezing temperatures. To think I was fishing in Florida last week, enjoying 80 + degree temperature's. Looking for any extra anti - depressants available. They are saying we might hit 60° late next week. I went out anyways on Monday and caught 1 nice bass and 1 pickeral. Water temp was 42° It was raining and like 40° so I was out only 2 hours. I think just my first winter spent in Florida has made my skin thin Can't take the cold anymore.
  13. I was a little shocked to see it appears Smokercraft discontinued the 171 pro bass model. It's no longer on their website. It was there last year. Huge market with multiple manufacturers . Must be they couldn't find their spot. I don't see sny out there. In fact I have never even seen another personally. That's okay by me, I got mine and will enjoy fishing out of it.
  14. Yeah I would not ride any of those boats there. Even the fiberglass boat you picked is way too small. Find a minimum of 18'.
  15. Love my Lews, having purchased 2 new Shimano reels in the last 6 months. I still like my Lews better. Not sure why I keep buying Shimano. My next reel will be a Lews
  16. I would trade mine for a nice 20' + center console. Perfect all around boat imo.
  17. I was running a pair of Rogue Magnum M150 tubed mono blocks. Nothing compares to vinyl and tubes. I sold it all and downsized to a ss amp and preamp Vandersteen 2si speakers. no more vinyl just cd
  18. Nothing compares to getting addicted to Stereo gear. I had over $30,000 into it before I thought I better bail out. I couldn't help myself, it got out of hand quick. Solid silver, or even gold plated interconnects. $3,000 cartridge for your turntable. The problem with stereo gear is new technology will kill you. What you buy is almost obsolete immediately after purchase. And don't get me started about hi end Home Theater system. I'm not talking Best Buy crap. $10,000 for a used nice projector. Fishing (after boat purchase) is a bargain.
  19. Better investment than a coke habit. Don't drink. Don't smoke. What ya going to do. The only thing I can say is " Enjoy what you got " Don't be intimidated by 60k Ranger boats. Don't worry everyone else has 200 + hp If what you got floats and allows you to catch fish, enjoy it. My little aluminum bass boat is bought and paid for. It was in my price range and no need to go into debt for it. Would I like a nice shiny new fiberglass bass boat ? Hell yeah ! But I have lots of interests that require my cash. Could I afford to buy a winter house in Florida with a payment book on a 60k boat ? Nope. Just fish and enjoy life.
  20. Have A yamaha f60 pushing my Smokercraft 171 pro bass which is 17'10" . I eas stuck at 30mph until recently. I purchased a new ss prop 1" bigger diameter and am now pushing 36 mph. Next is moving up to a 90hp
  21. Well you can rest easy that your boat is looking great and should last for many more years. How was the framework under the floor ? I have heard horror stories about stuctural welds breaking and Tracker not warranting that. By the way, can I hire you to do mine when it's time
  22. Good job. I have to believe that the average consumer is willing to spend a extra grand or two , to have the boat built right originally with the correct materials. What does a tracker go for these days, $15,000 ? I bet everyone would gladly pay $17,000 to have it last 30 years with quality components. Sure hope they don't mess with the other brands they bought out.
  23. I can only wonder how much extra it would cost the manufacturer to build the boat with the proper materials. What you found is exactly why Tracker has a bad rep. I have a Smokercraft that is very similar to the Tracker. I will probably be doing this in the future also.
  24. I can't tell you about this year yet but I will be up that way in a couple of weeks. I can tell you that I fished the lake about 30 times last year and it certainly did not disappoint. Flat out Deruyter has the best catch rate per hour than any other lake I have fished. The bass aren't huge, 1 -3 lbs avg. You catch numbers. Not unlikely to catch 50 fish in 4 hours.
  25. I might just know someone looking. By seeing your boat listed under your name ( small world ) I am pretty sure I know where your place is. I have seen you out there before. You are a few places east of my cousins camp on the south side after coming out from the marina/store cove. Correct ? Not only do I know someone looking, my wife and I are also looking. You can private message me the info on the place and I will get back to you. Thanks
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