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Everything posted by LuckyGia

  1. Rock bass. How big was it ?
  2. Careful, I had my head ripped off for asking a similar question. I guess you are supposed to search your questions first Screw em, yeah, use a leader
  3. I do it on occasion . Couple of small lakes here only allow tm. I do it because there are nice fish in those small bodies of water. I would bet that just because you think the fish are just okay, they might be catching good size fish. But then again, I make a real effort to not judge people or their actions.
  4. I have never re powered a boat before so forgive me if I sound stupid. I was looking at a boat this weekend. A 1999 Ranger r 91 with a 200 hp 2 stroke Evinrude. Of course I was concerned about a 16 year old motor. He had a couple of newer rebuilt engines to put on other boats I was looking at, but not Evinrude. He said he could not put the Mercury on the Ranger as it is rigged for the Evinrude. I guess I was confused and never even gave it a thought. So the boat can only run a Evinrude now ? Does that mean if I want to repower my Smokercraft with a Yamaha, I need to replace it with another Yamaha only because of the controls ?
  5. I ALWAYS start on the shade side. If it doesn't work out, I switch to the other side. I would guess that 75% of the time, it's the shade side
  6. BOAT break out another thousand looks like a money pit
  7. Thanks, I thought so. I wonder what the measurement is on the front deck. Who cares about the back ? I am leaning towards the 188rt for sure then.
  8. In looking at this boat with the information on its beam width. They must be measuring on the back deck and not the front. There is no way the front deck is as wide as they are claiming unless the pictures are wrong. Can anyone verify this measurement ?
  9. A lot of clubs have a minimum length also. I think it is usually 17 -18 feet for safety reasons.
  10. 4/0 Texas rigged with pegged 1/4 oz weight. Drop it in or near weed line and go slooooowwwww
  11. Don't you have a local optometrists ? Just go to your eye dr and buy a pair of prescription polorized sunglasses. It really is just that easy.
  12. Actually NY just made a change. You can take a picture as long as you pay the 8.25% tax Friggen NY
  13. I tie a rope to the front eye on my boat, Get in truck with rope in my hand. Put it in reverse and back the boat in to the lake. As soon as the boat floats off the trailer. I put the truck in park and get out. Tie up the boat making sure it is clear of the trailer. Pull truck out and park it. I do this every day without any problems. Wind can be a pain
  14. I punched a solid barracks door in 1977 with all my might. Of course the Army said it looks fine My hand hurts to even shake someones hand to this day. But I fish until there are tears in my eyes. Usually I can handle the hand pain because my back is sooo bad, that I forget about my hand. The absolute longest I can fish is 4 hours. It has taken 2 years to get to 4 hours of handling the pain. I just keep telling myself " it could be worse ". Had 2 discs removed in my lower back and it is now fused with rods. Have 2 more that need to be fused. Want to trade places ?
  15. This was also a thought just for the fact I couldn't verify they were schools.
  16. I have fished most of my life, and that is a pretty long time It has only been my third year of focusing mainly on bass. I usually fished for whatever season was opening. But now that NY has the catch and release program, we can fish for bass year round. Anyway, I had read that there are two types of bass. 1 ) Loners 2) Schooling I had thought about that and determined that I have been fishing for the loners 100% of my fishing experience. I have still never focused on fishing for the schooling fish. This week as the spawn is getting started here, I am seeing schools of real nice sized fish in 1 foot of water. I am talking 20 to 30 three and four pound fish. Seems that anything I throw their way is ignored like the plague. I haven't had a single bite from any of these schools. Is this normal ? And I am wondering that the old saying comes into play here, ( if you can see them, they can see you ) . I did have a couple of times when I would hook a fish and 10 to 15 fish followed it in. So had to be a school and they didn't see me ?
  17. They are protecting their nest where I am fishing. Half of my catches are hooked in the side of the face. Not even a barb in a lip, all face. That's telling me they were just protecting the nest and swatting at it.
  18. Try it first if you can. All yaks have different tendencies. My OT angler 10 sucks wind. I hate fishing out of that thing. Uncomfortable, doesn't track at all.
  19. Upstate NY here, and that is all I am catching is big fat females.
  20. Huh, I left the topic alone for a while out of frustration of feeling like a idiot for bringing it up. Looks like it wasn't such a bad question after all.
  21. It looks sweet. If I were to buy another aluminum boat, this just might be it. My concern is , in big water, it's still going to act like a tin as opposed to a fiberglass.
  22. I want to be clear, this is with my bass boat. My cabin cruiser is another story. No problems on a big boat.
  23. I have a few times. My dog is a mix between st. Bernard and golden retriever. He is 2 years old and quite a handful. Even launching the boat can be a pain because he is so interested in what's going on. He barks at every one and everything that moves. He comes up front every time I catch a fish to check it out. The biggest issue is he loves to swim. And stands at the edge of the boat like he is ready to jump in at any moment. That's where it's a pain. Constantly babysitting him and talking to him so he won't jump in. I took him yesterday for the first time this year. Every time I take him I swear it's the last I just feel bad leaving him home. If someone on shore asks me how the fishing is, he acts like a douce bag, barking like a mad man. I have tried everything to get him to relax, but he's just high strung.
  24. Sweet boat my man.
  25. I understand the ideas behind using one. I guess I always felt that the knot is the weakest link in the chain. I don't want to add more weak links. And I am sure you could say you could coax a stubborn bass while using one. I still don't do it.
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