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Everything posted by LuckyGia

  1. my new 2015 Triton 189TRX w/ 150 Mercury Pro xs Can't get much water time in to break it in with the weather
  2. Yep, could not make it out of Treman park inlet because of all the debris floating everywhere. 5mph no wake speed enforcement. Good luck
  3. At first I thought you meant you could not stop watching that stupid sport. But I see you are supporting your kid's. That comes first, support your children and spend all the time you can with them. Fishing can come later. My daughter is 26 and her birthday falls on the opening of Pike season. I missed a few of those parties and she never let me forget. I spent many years with my daughters and soccer. Now they are gone and I call it " Scott time " They live in opposite ends of the country and I don't get to see them very much. One in Alaska and one in Flotida. Next month the wife and I are meeting my Florida daughter in Chicago and all flying to Alaska for 8 days. Fishing can wait.
  4. Picked up my 2015 Triton 189TRX last week. So much rain and flooding locally that I am having trouble even breaking it in.
  5. Be careful, you could go broke Seriously, you are fine with spinning gear. I used spinning gear for over 35 years before I went with baitcast. Then because of my personality, I went nutz and bought 7 rods in 1 year. I have issues . I think you would be surprised how close you can get to the fish and not know it. Unless you are in shallow clear water and can see easily. just have nice heavy 20lb braid and have fun figuring it out. I have fished in NY for most ov my life. I spent my first winter in Florida last year after buying a place down there. It was a whole new way of fishing. I went from crystal clear water, to dark coffee colored water. It is all about getting in those weed beds. Just practice. It literally took me about 2 months to learn to consistently catch fish. I spent many days coming home without a single bite before I figured it out. I actually thought I was a good bass fisherman until I hit Florida. Be patient, and keep your line wet or you will never figure it out.
  6. Yeah, if there is a strong North / South wind on any finger lake. Stay home. I had a 25 foot SeaRay I kept on Cayuga for 5 years at Treman park in Ithaca. If the wind was blowing, you get seriously tossed around. Better make sure the Locks are open. I know they have some real flooding going on and they will close the locks when flooding .
  7. Steep drop offs in the finger lakes are like 150 feet deep. These lakes are hundreds of feet deep. Hard to find 25 ft. What is Seneca , I think 600 feet deep.
  8. do you have time to practice ? If not, as you know finger lakes drop off deep. My guess would stay in 10 to 15 ft of water and try for the best. supposed to rain so I am not sure of the lake level right now. But I know the canal is flooded along with Cross lake. I bet you will be in for some tough fishing.
  9. Weeds, weeds, and weeds slow, slower and slowest
  10. I had not read, only the tv news thanks for adding that
  11. Just a note to be safe when out on the water. Seneca river after Cross lake in upstate NY. 2 guys fishing out of a kayak flipped and missing. No life preservers worn they say. Don't go out in your yak without a floatation device. It is a sad day.
  12. Spent 2 winters in Florida and I live on a pretty large chain of lakes. I think I have seen people tube like 3 times at most. I wouldn't myself, but you would probably be fine. My neighbor lost his dog to a gator. And ALL my neighbors say they wouldn't go in the watet.
  13. My cousin is a guide on that lake. Very nice lake for trout. There are better bass lakes up here. Try Onieda
  14. Your profile does not show where you live. But knowing your needs, I would pick between 2 manufacturers Lund, or Lowe Both are extremely well made and should provide years of trouble free service
  15. It's my go to lure of choice every time Even calm conditions I will catch fish with one. I just need to stop lifting the fish with the lure in their mouth. The wire breaks after about 10 fish. Bad back and hurts to squat down so I have just been lifting them with the rod. Need to bring my net from now on.
  16. Welcome Florida ? Soft plastics like lizards and chiggers, 1/2 oz weight Drop it in the weeds, go ssssslllloooooowwww
  17. I stopped chasing splashes by fish unless I have a gut feeling about the splash. I try to stay focused with the task at hand. I find chasing rainbows seldom pays off. For me the percentage of times it pays off is not high enough. If I do fall for the trap, I usually give it 2 or 3 casts maximum.
  18. I am diving in this week and trading my tin for a Skeeter TZX 190 leftover 2014 Any owners have some info or advice for this manufacturer or model ? Looking forward to adding my thoughts
  19. Panfish I like to steam and dip in cocktail sauce. Called poor mans shrimp.
  20. I don't think you would ever get on plane with 3 people in that setup with any prop.
  21. B.O.A.T. break out another thousand do yourself a favor and buy a kayak
  22. Bass on Cayuga are typically at the north end. Start around the island and work your way north
  23. When I see carp, I move.
  24. I attach the boat to my truck and head south to Florida. Has to be the best way to winterize
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