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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fl, NY
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Otisco lake upstate NY
    Okeechobee south Florida

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  1. Started at 17 years old in the Army as a CH47 Chinook helicopter mechanic. Then it was some type of mechanical job after another until I ended up as a supervisor for a company in the machine maintenance department.
  2. Just got the Mojo on sale at Dicks for $79
  3. it is weird. I tried to research it that night. I was finding 2 different reels under the " Orra sx " search. One had magnetic drag with internal adjustments. Then there was the one I had. It looked very similar to the"Silver" model without the flip switch. External drag adjustments. I felt the Silver max was better than this. The Max is like less than 50 bucks.
  4. It ws a combination of both. The reel to me appeared to be a blue " Silver max" and didn't retrieve as well. I must add that after short slow period, I put the new reel on another rod to get a good feel for it. I didn't like it nearly as much as the Lews reel. It was noisy right from the start. So much so, that I was pretty sure that noise was transferring to the lure.
  5. I just think it is a matter of priorities. To some people, it is the main priority. To others, it is not that important. I can tell you that quite a few people I met that fish, and guide on Okeechobee have $70,000 bass boats , and live in single wide trailers in the trailer park. Is that wrong to me ? Not really. It is their priority. Could I do it, no way.
  6. I was at the mall a couple of days ago and thought I would stop in Dicks and pick up a spare reel. I have somehow injured my hand and have been picking up right hand reels to replace my left hand setup. Anyway, I saw a Abu package already put together on sale for $129.00. It was a Orra sx reel with this Abu garcia rod. I thought what the heck, 129 I will give it a shot. Oh no. First cast I knew I made a mistake. 2nd cast upon reeling in my line, I hear and feel this noise. Look at the threading of the line through the eyes, everything looks ok. Still resistance and noise. Break out the reading glasses and inspect. The tip eye is cracked and the line is going in the crack. Bummer, set that down and finish the day. Very next morning I went back and returned it. I should have known better. Well I went with old faithful Lews $79 cheapie. Paired that with a St . Croix Mojo bass rod for a extra $49 over the original $129. Not sure why I keep buying on a whim. I knew the Lews was what I wanted in the first place. It's my 3rd one and for the money, I can find nothing wrong with them.
  7. Love early retirement My boss always asks the same question, " How was fishing today Honey ?"
  8. My choice came to both of these boats discussed. I ended up with the Triton 189TRX over the Skeeter. The final decision had less to do with boat signatures and more to do with the Dealership itself. The Skeeter came with a 175 and my Triton came with a 150. I was originally going with the Skeeter, but the dealer was so shady, I pulled the trigger on the Triton. Had the boat a few months now and no problems so far. Wet ride ? I haven't noticed that at all. I will tell you their trailers suck. Noisy and troublesome.
  9. Sorry I am perfect. Greatness is just my way.
  10. Please be very careful. The veterans will accuse you of being a know it all. Funny, in going back over this post which I have not read in a while. Most people agreed with what I said. All except 2 really. One of them I blocked. No brainer. He was a sidekick looking to provoke. The other is a member with authority. And after reading everything, I feel like a shmuc for backing dowm. I stand by everything I wrote. It was just taken out of context. I also feel the moderators job is to diffuse situations, not light the fuse. Popcorn time Watch, I'll get banned
  11. Trust me, if I could take back the " I out fish everybody " comment, I would. I regret using those words. I should have said,,, Most of the time when I fish I tend to bring in more fish than my partner. Hope that is better. But I am not at a point in my life that I am looking for new friends that might, and I emphasis " might" catch more fish than me Look, I am the kind of guy, either you love me or you hate me. I am okay with that.
  12. Yeah I used to do that. Bad back limits my time on the boat.
  13. I am still trying to figure out. .. who or what is noobs ?
  14. Thank you for clearing that up for me. If you had written all this , I would have understood what you were asking me. My point about many friends just tying on a rapala and casting aimlessly wasn't a direct point that I meant to make. My point was they don't put into place a thought process for each cast. As to what do I do. Firstly I scratch my head and think " it worked yesterday " Then I get busy opening my rod vault and layout every type of presentation I might throw. I always have at least 5 rods or more out with something different on each. From top to bottom level. Then I just start hitting the spots that I do know and work each type of lure / presentation. I will throw everything I have until I can figure out a pattern. If I can't figure out a pattern after 3 to 4 hours, I call it a dud and go home to try again tomorrow. Probably not much different than most here. If I am not familiar with the lake. If I have time I like to take time to learn that lake. I have now started hitting the north end of Cayuga. This is a new place for me. I look at my maps, I look at my gps graph. I determine where " I " think they might be and work my go to lures first. From there I work away from my comfort zone. I never claimed to have a superb mind. I said I learned to try and think like a fish. From a early age I did this. If that is bragging, well I am a bragger. And yes, I do out fish ALL my friends. But you haven't met my friends None of them take fishing as serious as I do. As far as fishing with you. I would like to start with a clean slate and say that I seriously would fish with you.
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