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Sea NaCl

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Everything posted by Sea NaCl

  1. We have had storms frequently and the days that it isn't storming it is in the 100s. This is this months weather so far...11 of 23 days were storms
  2. In coastal NC its always a hit or miss. As far as setting the hook goes I would just ask the guide while your running to a spot or at the dock. This time of year the blues and mackerel are offshore while the red drum are inshore. If you want to go for quantity target the blues and mackerel if you want to catch quality go for the reds. Blues and mackerel are great fun on light tackle, trolling, not so much. I'm sorry to tell you this but you will not be seeing any Tarpon this time of the year in NC. Have fun and good luck!
  3. I fish them everywhere from 10 feet deep to 1 foot deep. Fish them in the early morning or at dusk and you should have some luck. If you look around on the forum you should find some other threads regarding this type of fishing. Good Luck!
  4. My current setups- *** *** paired with a Bass Pro Carbonlite Shimano Curado I with a Bass Pro Carbonlite Lews Speed Spool with an Abu Garcia Ike series rod
  5. I would recommend buying a Chronarch CI4+ over the MGX. The Chronarch has the same performance band as the MGX with a lower price. The Rocket is a great reel for all high-speed fishing. If you want a more versatile reel go with the MGX or Chronarch, if you want a super speed reel go with the Rocket.
  6. Where can I find a brand new Curado for $129?
  7. The Storm Arashi Deep is an amazing bait, if you work it slowly it should stay around 7 feet or so. the Rapala DT Thug is a good bait also. Neither of these share the profile of the John but they are both proven fish catchers.
  8. I saw some and picked up a few, the spinnerbaits are ok and the buzzbaits are great. The paint on the blades chips easily but that does not really bother me. I don't know if they are DSG exclusive but I have not seen them anywhere else.
  9. I would use a Berkley Flicker Shad but if you are looking for the same profile as a Little John a Rapala DT Fat would be a great choice. Good Luck!
  10. My best purchases this year- Rods+Reels 13 *** Shimano Curado I Abu Garcia Ike Rods Lures Swing Impact Fat BioSpawn Vile Craws Rage Craw
  11. Stuck in my head for days...
  12. So you got kicked out of a fly-fishing club because you didn't match the hatch?
  13. I generally use walking baits early in the morning or as the sun goes down. If you still have zero luck, throw what you know they will eat. After all I would prefer to catch 1 bass on a jig than zero on topwater. Good Luck!
  14. Over here on the Atlantic coast I'm sure it's a different scenario BUT there may be some similarities. In late spring the reds move up onto flats and feed on glass minnows+mullet and continue doing so this until mid fall. Through the winter and early spring they move into deeper water offshore. The best way to get an idea of how the seasons affect your saltwater fishing is to ask some guys in the local shops. They will almost always have good info. Good luck!
  15. Spro BBZ-1 Shad 4" in Killer gill or Natural Shad.
  16. I like to throw it over submerged cover. Whenever I feel the lure hit the tree or rock I pause it for 3 seconds then keep reeling. It gets bit on the pause nearly every time!
  17. I've caught at least 40 fish on the Strike King KVD splash this month.
  18. I don't see any reason why a frog would not work. Throw it where there is little to no current in creeks, you will probably catch a few. Good Luck!
  19. Zoom Super Chunk jr. stuck through the middle. I'm going to try that toothpick idea...
  20. Texas Rig all the way. I throw it in all conditions unless the bass are feeding on top, then I throw a popper.
  21. I would use a SK Jig 3/8 oz in black and blue with a zoom super chunk trailer. Throw it along the shoreline or next to cover and see if you get bit. Maybe the fish in that pond just don't like it. Good Luck!
  22. The Powerbait U-Tail worm Texas rigged on a 3/0 O'Shaughnessy hook has always been my go-to to catch numbers. I like the purple colors the most and I use a 3/8 ounce bullet weight.
  23. Fishing topwater a couple of inches off the bank has produced a ton of fish this year!
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