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Firefish Alumacraft

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About Firefish Alumacraft

  • Birthday June 3

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern Illinois near Chicago
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Any one called Not work

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  • About Me
    love boating, fishing, and my coral reef tank

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  1. I went to cabela's in Hammond last week, they changed there entire floor plan to fit more fishing and boat sales tripled it Sq feet. They moved all the camping, and they moved the hunting gear upstairs with the guns. I really like the new layout.
  2. That time of year again for my trip, any report on the lake
  3. My boats stored in my garage so I don't cover it, thinking of buying one for traveling long distances. thinking Id get better MPG with a shell. The windshield of the boat is like a giant wind dam and then a void area of low pressure causing a vacuum. Plus also keeps out the dirt and rain.
  4. I just happen to see on FB a guy selling LM 5.0 Great Plains for a supper low price. I check V5 to V6 and I don't fish 90% of the lakes on there so V5 is good enough for me for the price. (35$) so I grabbed it. Fig, not a bad deal for 35$ if I don't like it.
  5. I sent them a email with the GPS for the errors, and even offered to map it for them if they sent me a SD card. I didn't demand that they fix it just wanted to inform them.
  6. Sorry for the long delay. I talked to Navionics for the last week, its a no go they have no intention to fix the map. I sent pics to them showing the error in person. from Nav " Dear Chris ****, Thank you for that information. Please note; however, because the depths are on the official government charts and numerous sources for the lake, we cannot change this information unless they change it. We have filed reports with these sources but I cannot advise you if and when they will change that data. For additional support, access Navionics online Help or Chat Now with a live agent. Best regards, Jennifer Pereira Navionics Customer Service I think I'm going to buy the Great Plans chip and the map building chip and have it for my self
  7. Does anyone have Great Plans on their HB GPS if so would anyone please take a picture of Lake Heidecke and show me the topography of the lake. I have the Navionics + maps and its very wrong with depth. Looking to buy the GP chip but without seeing the maps I feel like I'm going to waste 124$ Of if you have one your looking to sell.......
  8. If your main engine has a alternator you can get Minnkota 12vdc-2-3 bank 12/24vdc charger. you just have to keep your main engine running for it to charge. http://www.minnkotamotors.com/Battery-Chargers/On-Board-Chargers/DC-Alternator-Chargers/
  9. I use one. from Columbia with cooling rings, when you sweat the rings get cool.. works great
  10. I have a Zebco Omega ( same as a 33 but ball bearings, metal construction, better gear ratios. ) will last a life time
  11. I have the same engine, its supper easy to break in. If my memory is still good. its like 10-12min of varying speed fallowed by 1 min of WOT then repeat for 2 hrs. Then operate normally with no longer WOT for 5min for 10+hrs. I made a chart of varying speed time time fallowed by the 1min WOT and used a stop watch with lap. after you done it should total to 2hrs. Read the manual and its very easy. You should be very happy with the Med 2.1L its a very powerful outboard.
  12. summer time no shoes unless I have to get off the boat, winter time insulated boots.
  13. I do both, l find coves and points and natural structure for casting but Ive caught more bass trolling. Its really an art and I'm still just a minnow. I don't have a 60k bass boat but I do have a newer 18ft AlumaCraft deep V with a 25" transom. I actually enjoy more trolling and jigging for walleye and going out on Lake Michigan for salmon with down riggers, planner boards, and dipseys than I do bass fishing. Maybe thats why I bought a multi-species Walleye boat??? I also enjoy cat fishing, I just enjoy fishing and species doesn't matter.
  14. To bad Im not close Id help. Im a wreck diver and have all the scuba equipment needed. Go to Scubaboard or a local scuba forum and ask for help. You will find someone to help, most divers love to help people that loose stuff. I help look for a outboard that fell off a Jon boat years before.
  15. living in the no so great state of IL its pointless to carry on a boat, you can not carry at state parks or park waters unless its hunting season. I wish you could carry. The only time I feel like I should is camping, most of my camping is later in the year on week days and the camp grounds are empty and 90% of them never lock the gate, its the perfect time to commit at crime. ( from what I was told, you can use the Castle Law but if the ranger or SP differ your going to jail till you fight it in court and could loose with a fellony and Id loose my job). Plus 150$ to CCW in Il is a rip off. For work I had to take the class for free but it was my choice to get it, the also have me the opportunity for Utah and I did for 25$. Time for reciprocity in all states, one fee!!! Or better yet open carry
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