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Everything posted by Squishy

  1. Last year at Brantley lake in Carlsbad NM.
  2. I dont use any adhesive with the gum wrapper. It usually sticks to the lure pretty good on its own so I havent bothered with using any glue lol. Vinyl huh? That seems like it would be a pain to work with, especially on a lure. Do you cover the whole lure with the vinyl or just the sides? I would think if you did the whole lure the vinyl would crease pretty badly.
  3. Thanks Jaw! Oh man the mylars genius. I wonder if you can see the overlapping layers though. Thats one thing I like about the gum wrapper is that once you smooth it out, you cant see the layers at all really...hmm now I have a bunch of stuff to try out over the winter. Thanks for all the ideas guys!
  4. Thanks Jaw! Oh man the mylars genius. I wonder if you can see the overlapping layers though. Thats one thing I like about the gum wrapper is that once you smooth it out, you cant see the layers at all really...hmm now I have a bunch of stuff to try out over the winter. Thanks for all the ideas guys!
  5. Oh cool, thanks for the heads up. I guess ill have to buy a roll and try it out lol.
  6. Ive thought about using foil tape, it just seemed too thick to use for this sorta thing so i never tried it. Have you used it on lures before?
  7. I found a pretty neat way to get a sorta chrome look for your lures and Thought I'd share. Heres a couple I did today. If you want to try this out yourself all you need is a gum wrapper like the one in the first picture. Now for the tough part; you gotta peel the foil off of the paper, the bigger the piece you can get off the better. I usually start at the corner by scratching a bit of the foil off just so I have a place to start peeling from. Then I just start sticking it on the lure until it's fully covered. Once its completely covered, to get the chrome look, I used the handle of my exacto to rub the foil smooth and then used a microfiber rag to polish it up... And thats it! Ive already painted and clearcoated over the foil and it seems pretty solid so far, but I guess time will tell if it'll hold up to some abuse lol. Anyway, merry Christmas everyone!
  8. Cool pattern! I like how you did the scales...sorry to hear about your hand man, that suucks.
  9. Solarbaits and Diemai from the tackleunderground forums do some awesome work. Dunno if theyre on these forums as well though. Also, check out Paul Adams on youtube he makes great videos that are super easy to follow along with/understand.
  10. The only lure I could find thats even remotely similar is a luhr jensen sugur shad..When I did a reverse image search it directed me to this website so maybe youll find it there. Good luck http://www.sportslinkup.com/shop/0-Lipless-crankbaits-9-bin.html
  11. Holy smokes that was fast! Thank you so much man, I appreciate it =)
  12. Hey guys, been searching online for a while trying to figure out what lure this is, with so such luck... Heres a picture of it. Thanks for any help fellas!
  13. Ive been using kbs diamond clear to finish my lures and I like it so far. you can spray it on or brush it on, and its non-yellowing.. Its way more expensive than using devcon though and probably not as tough but I personally like it more because I can just spray and forget.
  14. Looks good!
  15. haha thanks man, I hope you're right.
  16. Thanks fellas, I have to say its not gonna be easy to get rid of the bluegill crank... I suppose I can always just paint another one though huh?
  17. My buddy gave me some lures to repaint and basically said I can keep em but if he likes the paint jobs maybe he'll buy them back. This is how they came out; hopefully he buys them back, im running out of paint!
  18. Wow thanks guys!
  19. Thank you!
  20. Thanks Tom, that lipless is the one im most excited to get out in the water, even though it's the only one with regular craft store googly eyes lol
  21. Oh man I know..Thats the worst part about painting lures, waiting to test 'em out haha
  22. Thanks Mike,I appreciate it!
  23. Thanks guys you made my day, and sorry if the picture looks kinda weird I had to compress the heck out of it in order to post it
  24. I know they're not the greatest paint jobs out there, especially compared to some of the ones ive seen on here, but I'm pretty proud of 'em and so I thought I'd share. let me know what you think!
  25. Squishy


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