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Everything posted by ihfarmboy-1066

  1. The fishing in nj has slowed down a bit now I go to Island Beach State Park almost every night after work and this fishing was great the first half of the season with nice size blues and strppers were being thought but now that summer is here the beach fishing slowed down a lot you can still get some nice size blue fish but we are getting fluke and shakes off the beach right now at night . the rig I use for fluke is a fluke rig or I'll uses a high low rig with with frish squid
  2. Your welcome anytime man. just like deaknh03 said I couldn't have said it better . I have PTSD so I know what it's like to feel that way and trust me when I say this talking to someone about how your feeling and whats going on is the best thing bro
  3. Hey y'all sorry I haven't been on to update this works and my business have me so busy. Well my insurance company paid for a new side door for my garage and paid me for almost everything that got stolen from me. I found a alarm company and I had them come out and put in a full house and garage alarm and full wireless remote camra sistom that cost me almost $9,000 but its so very worth it to me. Now I can check up on my house and my wife and kids when I'm not home. They still never found the guy that did it or my stuff. So now I'm looking at new fishing rods,reels,line,and tackle and gonna start off slow and rebuild it all over time
  4. Hey bud I'm very sorry to hear about you and your girl man that really hits hard and can meet you head up big time. Man you gotta keep your promise to her and most importantly you gotta keep your goals you set for yourself. Given up isn't the way man there is people out there that love you just open up to the ones cloese to you and vent to them that really helps get out how you are feeling man. Given up is never a option you gotta keep fighting on and rech deep down inside yourself and your heart and tell yourself everything is gonna be alright because it will be. I don't know you or your now ex girlfriend or why you to broke up but sometimes people need a little room and she still cares about you that's why she made you promise her what she did. Don't call or text her I know its hard but when the times right and she's ready to talk she will come around bud. Working will help keep your mind off it all and go fishing or something. Man take it from me I'm 28 I lost my wife and my 2 kids from a bad accident it left me with a lot of **** on my mind and I wouldn't talk to her or anyone about it .but thin I realized what I had and I had to do whatever it took to get her and my kids back. her and I separated for almost a year and now we are back together. What I'm trying to say my Young friend is never let yourself think for a minute that you can't do something because you can do anything you put your mind to your to young to worry about somethings like that you have your hole life to live always remember there is someone else out there going threw a whole lot worse
  5. Thanks einscodek. Yeah i took me a few years to accrue my fishing equipment and all my tools that I use everyday for my heavy equipment repair business.yes the people who took my stuff will get theirs on day.yeah its a new reason for me to get all new equipment but for now till I can replace all if I'm gonna go pick up a baitcasting setup and one spinning setup and some tackle so I can go fishing
  6. O yeah I was like d**n these people are out of their minds.yeah now thinking about it I'm definitely not using them at all . I'll find a company off the web sight you gave me
  7. Yeah I know they are my wife called them and set up a an appointment for them to come out and talk to use. I'm on alarms.com now looking around I like it so far its a nice sight with a lot of good info also thanks again trek . I tried to cancel the appointment with brinks and if I do they want $100 I was like yeah no. But if they come out and talk to use and give use a price it's no charge. I'm gonna call around and see what the other companies have to offer us and make are decision based off that
  8. Hey thanks trek for that info on all that I appreciate that a lot. Brinks is coming out to my house Monday to look it over and let me know what they can do. I dont care about the cost of it I now want to know my wife and family is safe when I'm not home because I work nights. I'm gonna go on that sight you gave me and look around and find someone from there thank you again trek
  9. Thanks darrenm&bankbeater. Yeah I'm glad its working out to so is my wife she was so stressed out about it just like I was. The police are looking into it and are doing there beat I hope they find who ever did this. My friend thats a cop told me dont get my hopes up for them to find my gear because who ever did it most likely sold it off already. I'm gonna be putting in top of the line security and alarm and camera system in my whole house out out side my house and in my garage in the next few day and I can cheack up on my house or my garage right from my phone
  10. Hey y'all thanks. Just to update y'all the insurance company is gonna replace my door the got broke and is gonna cover my most of everything that got stolen . so I'm pleasd with that for sure and as someone said pit in cameras and a alarm system I'm having someone coming out Monday to look and see what kinda system is best for my house. I really hate to haft to live like that but in this day in age I guess we gotta
  11. Thanks guys . I'm sorryfor all of y'all losses that someone stole from you. I'm thinkful that I have insurance and that I have a good job and i habe. Y own business so I can replace my stuff. I hope that the scum that did this gets caught. I'm lucky that my service truck wasn't in my garage or at my house cause they could of stole a lot more and could of took the trick to because I leave the keys in it
  12. Thanks bud. d**n that is just sad and crazy there that someone would steal someone truck& trailer from the boat launch that takes a lot of guts. What is this world coming to.
  13. wow egladding I'm sorry brother to hear that that definitely sucks bad I glad it worked out for you in the end man. Thank God for home owners insurance or insurance in general to cover stuff like this. Wpcfishing I'm sorry to hear that what happened too you also . yeah it definitely had to be one of the two people for sure I'd put money on that one that a no brainer there .
  14. Yes I know that I posted this on my phone and I guess the auto correct changed it around on me...thanks hawkoath. Yeah it is just sickening that this happened and yeah your so right on that one the time and all that getting what I wanted and all that is now gone. Im More mad about my two paw paws rods are gone and that my tools and my new welder got stolen
  15. I'm sorry to hear that bluebasser86 wow that really sucks big time there. O yeah the so definitely the worse feeling ever. Yeah when your young you really dont think stuff like this will happen to you and you dont have a house of your own. Yeah atlest they are gonna do something for me buy it just sucks having to replace it all
  16. Thanks jtharris3. O yeah it sucks very bad!! I hate thieves they are the worse people on this earth! Yeah I'm hoping they do but I'll see what happiness
  17. Thanks guys. Yeah me and my wife are hoping that are insurance takes care of it. Yeah wife has pics of everything I know I should document stuff but didn't. Good thing for insurance for things like this is very right
  18. Thanks masterbass. O yeah that they so are!!I called my homeowners insurance and they told me to fax them over a copy of the report they should cover it from what I was told.yeah I'm gonna look on all on them . yeah the sentimental stuff can't be replaced ever
  19. Hey y'all worse day ever today I get homw from work and was gonna go fishing and I go out to my garage and find that my side door on my garage was broke and open so I walk in and turn the lights on and look and someone broke into my garage and stole all my tools and over $10,000 in salt& freshwater fishing gear. So I called the cops and they came out took pictures and made a report and said they are gonna do there best to find the people that did this. Im so mad about this s***t I'd give anyone anything if they needed it and help people out like I just dont get it. So now I gotta replace all my stuff this isn't gonna be fun to do. Plus a few of my rods and feels were really old and they were past on to me after my paw paw past away last year. To top it off I was going to the Outer Banks in South Carolina this weekend for a fishing trip!!! It makes me sick sorry y'all I just had to vent about this
  20. Good for you taking the right steps sometimes we haft to fight and become the man we want and know we can be I'm happy to hear that your bettering your life bud you can do it never let anyone tell you you can't . asking for help is the right step there is nothing wrong with that all and dosent make you less of a man. I hope everything works out for you bud. I know how you feel on the depression a year a go I had a very bad quad accident that left me with 3 bronking rubs and a head injury and I all most lost my life for it. But I was lucky to come back for it but let me tell you it left me depressed because I couldn't walk with out help or really do anything and it messed with my head i was diagnosed with PTSD from my accident and it messed my life up bad it lost my good friend and girlfriend from it and it took me 3 mouths to man up and get the help I needed. I'm pround of you for going to take to someone and doing what you need to do it will all work out in the end keep you head up bud you got this
  21. I'll be hiting the surf tonight and all weekend I for a four day weekend so I'll be fishing the surf hard with a friend. Just got two new rods and reels and some tackle in this morning so getting everything ready. My cuz was out last night and did okay he got 2 stripers one was 14" and the other was 22". But tonight we both are heading down tovthw beach so we will see. I'm gonna be throwing some so minnows and some plugs and maybe some jiging spoons. And gonna put out 3-4 rods with clams or bunker most likely both tho
  22. Yeah that's what I hered I'm gonna be heading out to montog and hitting the surf this weekend. Nice that's a nice size striper your uncle caught
  23. Good luck fishing today. And nice that's awesome your getting fish 15-20 yds off the beach. I'm sure a medium rod gets a little work out . I use for bait anywhere from a 12 - 14 foot ex heavy for bait and I use 8-10 foot mh to a heavy rod for lures depending on the surf . when the blues where blitzing here you can cast 20-50 yards off the beach and get hooked up and somtimes strippers to on a good night
  24. At the bait shop there was only one bass checked in all day yesterday at 31" so maybe tonight I will have better luck
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