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Everything posted by justhere

  1. Whatever is on the radio mostly. But I am all over the place in tastes as well. I can listen to AxCx, Miranda Lambert, Rush, Drudkh, and Beethoven all right after the other and not think it is weird. The only thing I really dislike is bubble gum pop.
  2. Let's go Bucs. Lets go Bucs. Hopefully they can put it all together this year and get to a Series.
  3. live minnows yellow maribou jigs 1/16 or 1/8 ounce crappie tubes under a slip float
  4. 1 Jitterbug 2 Rebel Pop-R 3 Hula Popper
  5. Black Jitterbugs are a good bait for night time bass. Hearing them blow up on it is such a thrill. I also use shallow cranks and twister tail grubs with spinner arms.
  6. This year I want to get better fishing with jigs, get good enough with a casting setup to throw it at night without nesting it up really bad, and catch a few more fish than last year.
  7. Allright, I'm not the only one doing this. Luckily, I'm right handed, so I have never had to look for left handed guns. Yeah, a lot of people around here use those inlines for early muzzleloader, but fortunately they have kept the late season flintlock only. If I want the experience of an inline, I will go out with one shell with my 30-06. It is the same thing just about. I looked quite a while for that 32 calibur, found it a few years ago. It is a great time hunting squirrel with it, good luck finding one, especially as a left hander.
  8. Does anyone else here do any deer hunting with a flintlock or cap and ball muzzleloader? We have a season here in PA exclusively for flintlock deer, unfornutately it is during one of the coldest times of the year(late December-early January). Does any other state have anything like this, and if you do is it earlier/later in the year? I also have a small 32 cal cap and ball I will break out occasionally for squirrels. For me, hunting with these old time weapons makes it more interesting and fun.
  9. Fallen Trees and stumps mostly. It is what I feel most confident around.
  10. PA used to do this too, but changed it recently. Now if the lake/pond has other species, you can still fish it, but have to throw the trout back until trout opens. And yes I agree this was so annoying, and the first day of trout is the worst day of the year to fish somewhere they stock, but is great in places they don't stock.
  11. Like most others on here, I have found it matters sometimes, and sometimes they take what you are throwing no matter what color. I remember one time fishing, my buddy was killing them on white curly tail grubs, and i was using every other color besides white, and got nothing. I also agree with smalljaw67, in that it seems smallmouth are more color sensitive. A lot of the stuff I catch smallmouths has some bright colors in them, while I have caught my fair share of largemouths with both bright and dark lures.
  12. Does anyone have any recommendations for a decent inexpensive 2 piece baitcasting combo. I will be keeping it behind the seat of my truck with my spinning kit for fishing on the road, and mostly throwing jerkbaits, topwaters and jigs with it. I am looking to spend 75-100 dollars.
  13. I have a Sea Eagle that I used for a few years, it served me well overall. Set up time was about 15 minutes with the foot pump, not too bad really. I couldn't stand up very comfortably in it, but I have issues with my feet that hinder my balance. But like others said, get yourself a good trooling motor, they sit high in the water and moving them against the wind can be difficult. But overall, I was very happy with it and would recommend them to anyone. The only reason I don't use it too much anymore is the already mentioned issues with my feet, I can stand and fish better from my 15 foot jon boat.
  14. It may be up to the manager, that I don't know. Maybe it has to do with how long they have been open as well. Ours has been open for a few years, while the F&S has been about 6 months. Either way, unless I really need something, I just wait until I get to the Sportsman Liquidators in Chambersburg, they have the best prices from what I seen, though the selection seems to be hit and miss from my experience. Though I should say I just bought a new trolling motor from the F&S, they had them on sale.
  15. There is both a Gander and Field and Stream near me, and while the selection at both seems close, the Gander has better prices usually. Plus the Gander has a couple bargain bins with all kinds of lures in it.
  16. P.S. Ever ride the Cambria County lift up and down the hill??? Yes I have ridden it, but not recently. We used to go on a field trip to it for school way back when. It is a pretty neat thing the first couple times riding it, but it gets ho hum after that.
  17. Oh man, this is my favorite show on television, the only one I make a point to watch when it is on. It isn't so much about the fishing know how, but all the different fish he catches and the places he fishes.
  18. Hi, I am working near Staunton, Va and was wondering if there were any places nearby to fish for a couple hours after work. Preferebly within 20 minutes drive or so. Thank you for any advice.
  19. Never caught one, but I remember a few years ago here someone caught one and thought it was a snakehead. The PFBC came in and everything, now they have a picture of one in the rulebook you get with your liscense explaining the difference between these and snakehead.
  20. I don't know the number or whatever, but the Yamamoto ones in blue always worked for me. Also BPS sticko's in bubblegum pink work good for me.
  21. Wow, you didn't catch either pickerel or northerns on a spinnerbait. One place I go regularly, you almost can't help but catch pickerel on spinnerbaits. None of them have any size, but they sure are agressive.
  22. I second this suggestion. You almost can't go wrong with curly tails for river smalies. Works well here in SW/SC PA anyway. Try a dark color jighead with a bright curlytail or vice versa. Not sure why, but that always seems to work better for me.
  23. I would guess all of us(at least where they are located) have caught northerns and pickerel. But I did catch a 13 inch crappie with a Mepps #3 inline spinner around stumps one time. That was the best incidental catch I ever had.
  24. Yeah, we had about 4-5 inches of snow i guess here Friday, but most of it melted today. Drove by a trout pond today, it was partially frozen still(to thin to walk on), but part you could fish. I'm going to have to get the boat ready soon, oncemy registration comes in.
  25. Not until May around here, just starting to thaw now.
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