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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. Check out all of Glenn's videos.
  2. That's b.s.. It has plenty of advantages on baitcasters.
  3. Lews LFS from sportsmans outfitters.$85 lews mb $110 lews tournament pro $135. https://www.sportsmansoutfitters.com/products/lews-speed-spool-lfs-baitcast-fishing-reels
  4. Why is that funny? Many would agree.
  5. Gotta agree the IGFA is bull poop.
  6. Spinning reel is nice. Don't like the graphite frame baitcaster. The rod has crappy guides.im a Lews gut and I'm telling you this. Ur way better off with an aluminum framed lews baitcaster and another rod with better guides. On sportsmans outfitters you can get a lews MB really cheap.
  7. That would cost you an extra $50.
  8. Any off bass pro shops rods from the carbonlite to the Patriot are in your price range. They are all outstanding in there price ranges.
  9. I would go Shimano on both. You should check out a Lews combo .Ugly stick is like fishing with a rubber band.
  10. Go to sportsmans outfitters and get a lews tournament pro for $139. Imho it will blow away any other reel mentioned.
  11. I have never broken or grooved a Fuji alconite or sic guide.
  12. Go to sportsmans outfitters and buy a Lews tournament Pro for 140$. You will never look back.
  13. Johnny Morris Patriot baitcast rod.7 ft mh .
  14. Go to sportsmans outfitters and buy a lews tournament pro for $140 . You'll never go back again.
  15. According to what I've read they are plain aluminum oxide guides. Not even alconite. To me that's sub standard on a rod of that price. It's the exact reason I didn't buy one.
  16. Why would anybody spend that much money and not get sic guides?
  17. Hoping they restock. Great rods.
  18. Lew's MB 109.99 At sportsman's outfitters.
  19. For need a superliner hook unless ur running 50 pound plus on a flipping stick
  20. Get a Lew's LFS or LFS mb at sportsman's outfitters
  21. I never understood why guys fish cranks on spinning rods
  22. Get a Johnny Morris signature series with Fuji alconite gudes.
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