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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. Bass Pro uses big thick tubes. Never had a problem.
  2. IMHO Sufix advance mono is as sensitive as flouro.
  3. agree 100 percent. this is especially true on small lakes.
  4. I used braid for years. I find myself switching back to low stretch mono. I hate flouro. I cant see wasting 15$ when you get a backlash that kinks it. I switched from braid due to the nagging doubt in the back of my mind that I might be not catching some extra fish. Now with low stretch mono available I can get reasonable sensitivity as good a flouro if not better and not have the noise or digging issues at all of braid.
  5. What he said. Also get bass pro to replace it if it's less than a year old.
  6. That's weird. Did you take spool out to put line on? Dirt maybe fell out ?
  7. Sounds like you had to much line on it.
  8. I would never buy a reel with a graphite frame. I've seen spinning reel necks flex and brake and baitcast reel feet break off.
  9. Females go deep after spawn. They take a while to recover . deep cranks and jigs. Ned rig deep or dropshot. Carolina rig.
  10. Fenwicks been making flipping sticks since the 1970s as far as I know.
  11. I love Sufix Advance Mono but wouldn't use it on a spinning reel. I would use Sufix elite mono .
  12. Ive never had that issue. A 5 inch senko weighs like 3/8 oz. It's not light weight. Never had an issue getting the slack out. I do agree that flouro has more slack line sensitivity than braid but I've never had the issue you are speaking of. I've been fishing braid since the early 90s.
  13. I agree. There are probably more problems caused by people taking reels apart and putting them together wrong than there are actual bad reels. If you took apart your engine on a new car and screwed it up you would be paying. It should be the same with a reel.
  14. Why wouldn't you feel it after you reel the slack out?
  15. Best $200 reel out there. I throw 1/10 oz. Ned rigs with it on 8lb. Sufix Advance mono with no problem. The brakes are the best in the business.if you backlash a lot with this reel you need to use spinning only. Distance is great on casts. As guys have said Sportsmans Outfitters has them at $139 which is a steal.The carbon drag goes to 20lbs and is smooth.You really can't go wrong.
  16. Or your drag is to loose.
  17. Original powerpro is one of the worst lines today for digging in. Modern 8 strand braids such as Sufix 832 are better.ive used j braid and feel it's to soft and digs in also.Find a good 8 strand braid you like and use at least 50 lb. I'm not saying it will never sign but it should be less. .
  18. Probably good for Ned rigs and wacky rigs also.
  19. i knew him from NYBass . we used to have yearly seminars that he was at. he was very knowledgeable. Good guy .
  20. those colors are perfect. you first need to understand seasonal patterns. based on the time of year and water temp you will have a better idea of bass location. depending on where you live fish are either spawn or just starting to enter prespawn phase from wintering phase.do some research on seasonal patterns.
  21. All these guys who say they never had digging in issues with braid are just not telling the truth. All braids will dig in no matter what brand or diameter if you pull on them hard enough. It's the nature of the beast. Wide spools have this happen less than narrow due to crosiing the line more. The thicker the diameter the less it will happen. You see Pros using 50 65 and 80 on casting gear for a good reason . That reason is it works the best. I've used 20 30 40 50 65 and 80 over a 30 year period and have to agree with them. Smaller diameters are best on spinning rods. I'm not saying you can't use them on casting but the bigger diameters work better with less issues. Finally !!!! The truth comes out.
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