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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. I would have gone for a 6-6 for close quarters accuracy like fishing laydowns and brush.
  2. You want light get a magnesium frame Pflueger.You can get a 4000 that's light and reduce your line issues.
  3. kvd uses 4000 size reels.the bigger spool gives far less line issues.
  4. i know a guy who loves it but ive never used it myself.
  5. there are exceptions to every rule. but judging by his pictures his bass does not appear overly thin or fat as a house.
  6. Drag was not to tight. Don't build a reel that can't take the drag stack you built it with. That's called junk.you buy what you like I could care less. I would not spend money on any composite frame reel.
  7. 20 inch fish is always in 4 lb range. https://www.in-fisherman.com/editorial/bass-length-to-weight-conversion-chart/156649
  8. 4 lbs
  9. Aluminum is far stiffer and doesn't flex. All reels were 4000 size. Yes it was a lot of strain pulling 5 lb bass out of thick weedbeds in the summer. Don't member model numbers was over 30 years ago.Use all baitcasters now. Baitcasters have progressed to the point where you can use them for really light lures. Never had issues with aluminum spinning or magnesium reels. If your fishing musky get a 4000.i listened to kvd who doesn't use small spinners.he says it's not worth the line issues. Less issues with bigger spool on a spinning reel especially with flouro. Pflueger makes a spinning reel for 99 with magnesium frame. Used mine for years then gave it to my daughter who is still using it.i personally prefer Lews reels
  10. happened on mitchell reels (2) and shimano(1) pflueger president (1)20lb pp. yes drags were tight. neck twists and you hear a snap.doesnt break off but the graphite is compromised and the reel twists severely under pressure. the casting reels were guys i know .i never broke a casting reel seat. ive seen other guys break spinning reel necks off over the years trying to get fish out of weeds. lots of guys have had graphite reels develop gear issues from flex and misalignment. IMHO aluminum cant be beat.
  11. never had issue with lews. had a abu mgx that turned into a coffee grinder.never had gears explode in 52 years of fishing. never heard of so many reels from different manufacturers breaking with one dude. i dont get it. thanks for your service.
  12. ive had necks break on spinning under high drag conditions in weeds with braid.friends have had casting reel seats break.
  13. GOTCHA. i never do that. all rods get retied. i also cinch them down in my mouth with spit.use a palomar.
  14. not an aluminm frame.would not buy it.
  15. depends what length. the 6-9 and 7-3 are the only 2 that say extra fast in that series of casting rods.
  16. Nanofil is not a braid.
  17. I agree with everything you said except the retie issue. I fish very rocky reservoirs and out of all the lines I've ever fished including braids and flourucarbons I really don't have to retie much. If You're fishing rocks and getting hung you're gonna have to retire with any line. If you're crankbaiting over boulders it's the same thing.
  18. i agree your drag is loose. get sufix elite in 8lb or use braid.
  19. sidearm roll cast should not decrease your distance.
  20. take the glove off.its like wearing a condom.
  21. Why a sinking flouro leader on a buzzbaits?
  22. I would use 50 lb Sufix 832 instead if I was using braid
  23. Sufix Advance Mono. Sufix 832 braid.
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