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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. of all the people you had to hook it was your wife!!!i hope she's o.k. !!!
  2. sounds fair to me!!!just say you have a suggestion since you guys haven't been doing to well.i have caught big bass in 50 feet of water and shallow.when one doesn't work you have to adjust.
  3. YUM CHUNK!!! ;Dpork is a pain!!!
  4. they obviously want a reaction bait so why fight it?soft plastics usually work when they are hungry and looking to eat.reaction baits are just what they say they are.they cause a non-feeding fish to react and attack them.just go with the flow.
  5. sounds like you're doing ok to me!!!have you eve tried a grass jig in the weeds?
  7. in muddy water it shouldn't have that much of an effect unless the temperature drops.i would guess they would be tighter to shallow cover.try a jig right next to the cover.
  8. don't feel bad!!!i have a cabelas denny brauer super magnum that weighs 80 lbs.!!!seriously though,i sometimes have to cull my plastics also.i just get rid of the stuff i never ever use and don't have any confidence in.the only problem is the bag still weighs the same because i replace it with something else!!!
  9. spring = shallow.summer = i start at the deepest weed edges(15-20 feet) and then work my way into the thickest weeds i can find.if you have ripwrap then deep cranking (15-20) is also good in the summer.i have caught smallies in 50 feet on the bottom with jigging spoons and largemouth in 50 feet on rattletraps.the largiws were probably out there looking for baitfish.they cruise around 20 feet down in 50 feet of water and the rattletrap comes by and they smack it hard.this works really good on hot overcast summer days.
  10. bass do learn to stay away from certain lures.i have seen several studies suggesting this.i couldn't tell you if it's a long term thing or not.suposedly a plastic worm is one they don't stay away from.
  11. i t-rig on a gammy g-lock 3/0 worm hook.
  12. first thing is to get a good headlamp.also bring spare flashlights,batteries and bulbs for your lights.stay organized and don't get sloppy.my favorite night bait is a black clacker buzzbait.next would be a black single colorado blade spinnerbait.rattlin jigs can also be good at night.
  13. i think he's severely hyper!!!i don't see anything wrong with him going crazy when he catches fish.i know i get excited when i get a big one.besides,kids like him!!!
  14. gambler,cool.i am not overly in love with the chinese either but i think some of the stuff they make is good.allstars rods from the american classic series to the titanium as far as i know are still made here.
  15. i wouldn't buy a buzzing rod either.
  16. gambler,good question.i used to buy nothing but snap on but not any more.they are ridiculously priced and there are way better bargains out there made elsewhere.any tool i loae is now replaced with either a husky from home depot or kobalt from lowes.btw,snap on ratchets are the worst!!!talk about broken knuckles!!!
  17. who says the chinese can't make anything just as good as the japanese or us?as far as i know all the rods from the american classic series through the titanium series are made here.bps rods are made in china and lots of guys love them.
  18. eventually there will be no more 2 strokes.but for now we have to do every little bit we can.
  19. as fishermen we should try to minimize our effect on the environment.spraying wd-40 on lures is not the way to do this.
  20. > A police officer pulls over a speeding car. The > officer says, I clocked you > at 80 miles per hour sir. The driver says ... Gee > officer I had it on cruise > control at 60, perhaps your radar gun needs > calibrating. > Not looking up from her knitting the wife says: > Now don't be silly dear, you know that this car > doesn't have cruise control. > > > As the officer writes out the ticket, the driver > looks over at his wife and > growls ... can't you please keep your mouth shut for > once? The wife smiles > demurely and says ... you should be thankful your > radar detector went off > when it did. > > As the officer makes out the second ticket for the > illegal radar detector > unit, the man glowers at his wife and says through > clenched teeth ...darn it > woman, can't you keep your mouth shut? > > The officer frowns and says ... and I notice that > you're not wearing your > seat belt sir. That's an automatic $75 fine. The > driver says ... yeah well, > you see officer, I had it on but took it off when > you pulled me over so that > I could get my license out of my back pocket. The > wife says ... now dear, > you know very well that you didn't have your seat > belt on. You never wear > your seat belt when you're driving. > > And as the police officer is writing out the third > ticket the driver turns > to his wife and barks ... > WHY DON'T YOU PLEASE SHUT UP??? > > The officer looks over at the woman and asks ... > does your husband always talk to you this way ... > Ma'am? > > > > > > "Only when he's been drinking"
  21. here in n.y. a 10 pounder is a gift from god!!!i would remember that for the rest of my life.i can't remember how many dinks i've caught.
  22. if it's possible throw a buzzbait at night in the summer out there and if there's a big bass in there it will whack it!!!especially if it has never seen a buzzbait before!!!
  23. it would be nice if they got a hook stuck in their leg trying to pull a snag out!!!
  24. we have a couple of lakes here in new york that are dinkfests.you catch many 12-14 inch bass.evey once in a while you hook a 3-5 lber.i keep some of the dinks to eat and throw back the big ones.
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