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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. 1)any line can break 2)use a paolmar knot and crazy glue it 3)even braid needs to be checked for damage 4)powerpro is good line but i have heard of it snapping for no reason.there is counterfeit power pro out there. 5)switch to sufix braid.it's the best.
  2. i walk around the boat naked counterclockwise 10 times saying a fishing prayer.i then bath in smelly jelly and put on my clothes and lucky hat.ROFLMAO!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  3. i never shorten it.that makes it stiffer.i may thin it out.this makes it softer.
  4. i have heard florida bass spawn 2 times per year.
  5. in northern lakes that's a great growth rate.
  6. 7-8 on a black clacker buzzbait. a bunch of 5 to 5-8s on a bunch of different lures. never caught a 6.
  7. i agree with lbh about standing in a canoe.but if you do it's up to you.nobody can flip 20 feet.that is a pitch and not a flip.a flip goes maybe 10 feet in front of you.as far as pitching goes you can feather the spool so it lands soft.but sometimes a big splash works better and gets a reaction strike.try both ways.
  8. this is a great site with lot's of knowledgeable members.the articles section is really a great place to learn a lot.even guys who have fished for years could pick up a couple of tips there.
  9. i gotta agree with marty on this.they can see it but i don't think it matters.i have seen flouro outfish braid and i've seen braid outfish flouro in clear water with both guys using the same lure.it's all a matter of presentation and has nothing to do with line visibility.
  10. i had 2 us 600's.there is nothing wrong with how they cast.but i will grant you there are better reels.it's time to buy a better reel. http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.TextId?hvarTextId=85315&hvarDept=100&hvarEvent=&hvarClassCode=1&hvarSubCode=1&hvarTarget=browse this is my next reel.
  11. i think they do see color but there are other factors that come into play first.right color on the wrong lure on the wrong presentation = no fish.
  12. 50 3 pounders would be nice but i'll take the 15 pounder any day!!!
  13. ROFLMAO!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  14. last year i didn't get skunked.this year 1 time so far.
  15. i remember those days!!!stick with it and learn.soon you will catch your limitmost days and get skunked rarely.it does happen if you learn.good luck dude!!!
  16. there's this one lake by me you can catch 50 a day on a good day and 20 sucks.i fish it once in a while to make myself feel good.the lake i usually fish is much tougher and a great day is 12 fish but 4 is average.the payoff is the average size is much bigger than in the #'s lake.
  17. rod angle is critical as is keeping slack out of your line.i only hold the rod up when winching bass out of weeds.once they are up and out the rod is down and at an angle to keep the fish in the water.you have to pay carefull attention to which way the line is going.if the pressure lessens the fish has changed direction and you must instantly react.
  18. mike's a great guy and the show is great.e.w.,i'm looking forward to seeing the show!!!
  19. congratulations nick!!!
  20. when i first learned baitcasting i wanted to throw mine in the lake.i was 34 yeras old at the time.after i mastered it i wound up prefering it to spinning.i still have a spinning rod but most ofmy fishing is done baitcasting.
  21. a guy i know does the same thing but when the lure hits the top of it's way up he whips it down HARD and rockets it through the matt.he usually uses 1 oz. grass jigs for this.
  22. i'm with the guys who use braid.i use 20 lb sufix on spinning and 50 and 65 baitcasting.i have lost fish but not because of line failure.we all lose them sometimes.
  23. like i said,it's just me!!!i usually don't get skunked.i went 2 years without a skunking and just had 1 so far this year.of course i go to catch fish.i just like the challenge of artificials.there is nothing wrong with live bait.i just don't use it.to each his own.
  24. personally i would rather get skunked than fish live bait.i get serious satisfaction out of artificials that i don't get with live bait.but that's just me.
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