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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. avid,it does get much harder to see because it turns gray and as you go deeper you get less light penetration so when the line turns grey it blends in better to the surroundings.yes you are correct in that it doesn't disappear but it does become camoflaged.
  2. pflueger summit.
  3. either use more thumb or tighten the cast control.i would use more thumb.
  4. i have one.the first one i got was defective.the second one is fine and i love it.bps replaced the first one with no problem.it is a great reel for the money.i really like the brake system.
  6. The love story of Jim and Edna > >Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, >doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have ... > >Jim and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. >One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Jim >suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of the pool and >stayed there. Edna promptly jumped in to save him. >She swam to the bottom and pulled Jim out. >When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic >act she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, >as she now considered her to be mentally stable. > >When she went to tell Edna the news she said, "Edna , I have good news >and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged, since you were >able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life >of the person you love, I have concluded that your act displays sound >mindedness. The bad news is, Jim, hung himself in the bathroom with his >bathrobe belt right after you saved him. >I am so sorry, but he's dead." > >Edna replied, "He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry. >How soon can I go home ?"
  7. good choices muddy man.
  8. powerpro was the standard by which all other braids were rated.that has changed and now sufix braid is #1.i use 65 and 50 exclusively.it is smoother and makes less noise.it doesn't dig in unless you get stupid with it.it holds it's color better than pp.that really doesn't matter to me as i color mine black on the last 6 feet anyway.
  9. why do people think they can soak a reel and not clean and relube it?that's like not changing your car's engine oil and blaming the manufacturer when it blows up.btw,i've seen the same thing happen with diawa and shimano.try sending it back for warranty repair.maybe you'll get lucky.
  10. they are fantastic rods that are as good as anything out there.they don't have a lifetime warranty but then again they don't cost what most lifetime warranty rods cost.they have by far the best reel seat made.they also use the best guides made= fuji titanium framed sic guides.i love my johhny morris rods.
  11. I prefer it that way.a spinning rod has the handle under the reel and it spins in a bigger ark.a baitcaster sits on top of the rod and has a smaller ark.i've tried reeling a left handed baitcaster and it feels retarded.switching hands when casting is no big deal.
  12. what do you exspect from a company that signs with chavez?i will not rejoin bass unttil they get rid of citgo and get their act together.
  13. i can tell you the clunn will cast weightless trick worms with 65 lb sufix braid.
  14. i have a rick clunn reel.i love it.the clunn combo has better guides on it than the extreme rod.if you are using braid you might want to consider this.
  15. do yourself a favor and bring the spiderwire back.replace it with sufix or powerpro.if you don't do that you will get a false impression of what braid is like.
  16. you either have counterfeit powerpro or you are using the wrong knot.a palomar knot with a dab of crazy glue will NEVER fail.
  17. i've seen it go both ways in clear and stained water.it has nothing to do with the line.it has to do with who had the better presentation and who put the lure in front of the fish that would bite.
  18. i would be suspect of any guide that braid damages.braid does not damage titanium nitrided guides, fuji alconite guides or fuji sic guides. i need no convincing.i just bought some more sufix braid the other night.
  19. I had the same problem after about a year of use. It's at the bottom of a lake now (accident) and that will be the last Pfleuger I will ever buy. why didn't you guys just send them in for warranty repair?
  20. i own nothing but pfluegers and have no problems with them.
  21. kb,good point about backlashes.you cannot beat braid for lack of backlashes.it's also easier to get them out of if you know how.
  22. the solution to that is a small wood dowel to wrap the braid around.no cut hands and %99 of the time you get your lure back but it may need new hooks.if you are using sufix braid of equivalent diameter of a mono you would normally use then abrasion resistance is not an issue.
  23. i have NEVER had sufix braid snap at any time.sufix also does not have the digging in issues other braids have.i do not believe largemouth bass are line shy.i have no problem catching them without a leader.and i guarantee that non braid users are missing light bites that braid users are feeling and setting hooks on.i agree with chris that braid has way less issues than mono or flouro ever will.
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