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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. all of those who don't think the line becomes close to invisible in deeper water should really start to reasearch red and how it appears underwater.i've red plenty of articles by divers ,scientists and photographers on the subject.the evidence is there that it does become camoflaged into it's surroundings .Water acts as a selective filter. If one were to suspend a white light above the surface of a tank of water that was 1000' deep, the colors from the white light would be filtered out selectively one-by-one. It is gradual. There is no abrupt interface. For example, most of the red is gone from the light after 10 feet. Some of the orange is gone. Less of the yellow is lost, etc. At 25' most of the orange is gone. At 35' most of the yellow is gone. This continues through the spectrum until all that is left is violet light and that fades out after hundreds of feet. So, at the bottom of this 1000' tank of water there would be little or no light! water as you go deeper has less light and becomes murkier in all but the clearest of lakes.this causes red cast which turns greyish to blend in and be less visible.it's like when you are driving through a haze you can't see anything that's grey either.it's also the reason underwater photographers use special filters and programs to compensate for color changes in their underwater photos.
  2. The infini-spool is the feature that would most positively affect your ability to cast VERY light baits. It's also the feature that makes it the most difficult to control spool "over-runs" i totally agree with that!!!there are so many people who don't understand why.basically the more free spinning the spool is the more brake it will require.
  3. imho cajun red cast is the best mono made.it's strong.limp and casts well.abrasion resistance is excellent and doesn't cost much.the line doesn't dissapear but grays out at depth making it low vis.i have had no problems catching fish on it and had my best year 2 years ago when i was using it.i used braid this year but i'm switching back to cajun red cast next season.
  4. check out bass pro extreme rods.same price range as those but have a better handle and imho are a better rod.
  5. sufix braid is the best imho.they use thicker braid because it is less prone to digging in and gives more abrasion resistance.
  6. a lot of people buy overpriced products so they can impress people.it has nothing to do with performance or common sense.there is a point where it becomes ridiculous.
  7. if you want a braid use sufix.if you want a mono try cajun RED CAST.
  8. i think over $200 for a rod and over $200 for a reel is ridiculous.$400 for a combo would be my absolute max.the price of fishing equipment has become absurd and we are to blame.
  10. crazy glue!!!
  11. i have to agree with cart 7.the screw in one comes loose and is fragile and can be broken off.the rubber butt cap one they sell doesn't loosen and puts less stress on the butt of the rod because it slidews over it which helps support it.the screw in hangs off the back.
  12. i agree totally with you on this.
  13. my that's a dim outlook!!!i don't know about that lbh.the earth has gone through numerous heating and cooling cycles in it's lifetime.this may just be another one of them.it was a lot hotter when the dinosaurs were here.as a matter of fact in the 1970's they were telling us we were going to have another ice age.from what i have heaqrd mars is also getting hotter.is that our fault?maybe the sun is burning hotter than it was.i don't really think they know what's going to happen.besides ,if the northeast warms up enough we can stock florida lagemouths!!! ;D
  14. i prefer centrifugal because it backs off as the spool slows.bass pro has a really nice system where a centrifugal plate comes out to a set of magnets.i have this on a rick clunn reel and it also works well.my preference would not stop me from buying a pflueger supreme with both kinds.i could see where it would be nice (on a windy day) to dial in some magnets.
  15. imho cajun red cast is the best mono made.that said i think there are lot's of good mono lines made and the difference is more a matter of opinion than fact.i could suggest lot's of lines to others with no regret.
  16. great rod for the $.
  17. i'm no expert but i've heard smallie guys say smallies are triggered by chartreuse.i know pike and pickeral are triggered by it without a doubt.as for largies i think it just shows up better in low light conditions and since a largie is first and foremost a sight oriented fish this helps in those conditions.
  18. cajun red cast in 17 or 20 lb.braid and flouro are not good for topwater.
  19. fivebasslimit and cart,you must keep resisting the shimanoitis syndrom!!!ROFLMAO!!! ;D
  20. i fished it in cover on 65 lb braid this year.next year i am going to fish it on 12 lb cajun red cast in cover.if you're in open water 8 lb would be ok imho.
  21. clunn was great but there comes a time to retire and his is here.
  22. i can't imagine fishing laydowns with less than 10 or 12 pound test.
  23. clunn was good in his time but is a has been today.he has not won anything recently or even placed that well.kvd will surely compile a record compareable to clunn a lot faster than some may think.
  24. $99.95 38-340-870-00 BAITCAST -- PFLTRIONNLP http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.TextId?hvarTextId=44483&hvarDept=100&hvarEvent=&hvarClassCode=1&hvarSubCode=1&hvarTarget=browse
  25. ike is good but kvd is better.the rest have a way to go to catch either ike or kvd.
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