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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. I'VE KNOWN CRAIG FOR A FEW YEARS NOW FROM NYBASS.BEFORE I EVER HEARD OF HIM I USED TO STRICTLY POWERFISH.I STILL ONLY HAVE 1 SPINNING ROD BUT I USE IT TO FISH LIGHT BAITS.I DON'T FISH AS LIGHT AS CRAIG DOES BUT HE HAS INFLUENCED MY FISHING.OPPS,SORRY FOR THE CAPS LOCK!!!i never thought i would fish 8 and 10 pound line on a spinning road with small tubes.4 icnh senkos and shakey head fishing can also save the day.
  2. kvd uses quantums top stuff and not the cheaper signature series they sell under his name.as far as i know clunn uses the bps clunn series rods/reels.
  3. 2 times last year and none the previous year.it happens to everybody.fortunatly the more you learn the less it happens.
  4. i have a johnny morris 6-6 mh.it's slighty mushy for a general worm rod.the pro qualifier is a little heavier action.i use my johnny morris for rattletraps and cranks.
  5. cajun red cast.make sure you get red cast and not red lighning.if you like braid get sufix braid.
  6. get a permanent magic marker and color it black on the last 6 feet.
  7. team all star TAS 787HJ for $99 or a bass pro pro qualifier 6-6 mh for $119 (only $4 over).
  8. that's the ONLY way to do it!!!
  9. i think it's effective at the end of the season then a new sponsor starts.they had to drop citgo because of the pressure.citgo is now renaming some stations to petro something because they aren't selling gas like they were.
  10. hey avid,i'm pm ing you some links to read on venezuela and chavez. overwhelming evidence to his terrorists connections is readily available.
  11. i was a member and cancelled when i found out citgo was owned by a terrorist country.besides,since espn took them over there is nothing much i like about b.a.s.s..
  12. contact pflueger and see if they will sell you a handle from a medalist reel.
  13. i fish out of rowboats a lot on the nyc reservoir system.this makes pattern fishing hard.we start by going to spots that fit seasonal patterns of fish.and narrow it from there.being that mobility is restricted it's a matter of knowing a lot of good spots that fit the season.when i get to go with a guy who has a bassboat pattern fishing usually rules the day.
  14. when it trickles down to a $200 pflueger i'll buy one!!!ROFLMAO!!! ;D
  15. wd40.
  16. i've never used them but some guys i know who do like them very much.
  17. i'm in ny so i'm going with and 8 lber.
  18. we never said pollution was good.we just don't think it's causing global warming.yes the earth is getting warmer.particulate emissions (smog) should cut down on sunlight and actually cool the earth.from what i have read mars is getting warmer also.there is no way we caused that.yes we should cut down on pollution.vehicle manufacturers are trying to do this now.yes there is more to be done. but if you think it's going to stop global warming you're kidding yourself.there are studies that show that the methane gas released when cows flatulate does more to hurt ozone than motor vehicles.so should we kill all the livestock of the world?
  19. yo dudes,i have one and it's my best rod!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  20. But never have temperatures risen so dramatically in such a short time, I find it a little hard to believe we dont have some impact, but you're right the temps are rising no matter how many emissions we put in the air. there is no proof of that.
  21. global warming my rear end!!!!last january around here was as cold as it gets.this year it's warm and denver is frozen.it was hotter when the dinosaurs were here.we also had a major ice age.things go in cycles!!!
  22. i have no doubt it's a great reel.from what i have read they cast fantastic.but i will bet you that putting a circuit board in the reel costs hardly anymore than putting in a regular brake system.they charge what they charge because they can get away with it.
  23. bass pro bionic blade when on sale for $59.99 on website.
  24. was it red lighning ,red cast or cajun advantage?there are 4 different versions including their ice line.cajun red lightning is like wire and is exactly like you described.it was originally used for trolling in the ocean.
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