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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. booyah
  2. booyah
  3. I know for a fact that as resently as last season, a lot of the BPS reels were manufactured by Shakespeare (Pflueger). Since a lot of the designs have not changed much, I would assume they are still produced the same this season. The reason I know this is because I do a lot of promotional work with some of Shakespeare's product lines. A senior employee at the company told me about the deal with BPS. JT Bagwell now this is a post that sites facts and explains where the information came from.thank you jt!!!
  4. yeah dude,i've eaten squirrel!!!they're delicious!!! ;D
  5. muddy,i just bought 2 rick clunns because i can't afford a summit yet.
  6. i'm gonna call you on this yet again.how do you know and where do you get your information?i'm not saying you're not right but you seem to be the man who knows when nobody else can find out.do you work for bass pro or something?
  7. i hate all flouro.that said i've heard seguar and sunline are the best.flouro is not invisible but is less visible.how much is debateable.bass use their lateral line to sense objects.thinner line is harder for them to sense than thicker line.
  8. the lighter the rod the less weight it takes to make it perfect.my 6-6 johnny morris took hardly any weight to balance it to where i like it.i like it neutral right at the trigger.i put the rod upside down with the reel on my finger to check it.
  9. That's because they are "athlete's",...a very important job position in our country. My sister is a teacher, That job is only worth 35k. sickening,isn't it?it's because most americans support those athletes.if nobody watched it or spent money on it it wouldn't be that way.it's called poor priorties.
  10. as far as i know elite is the limper line and siege is the more abrasion resistant line.i personally have not used either line.i just read this on a tackle tour review.
  11. i respectfully have to disagree with craig.i think it depends on the individual.everybody is built different.what may throw one guy's elbow out may make the next guy's better.i had the exact opposite problem.i have to balance my rods otherwise my elbow goes out.if it works for you then do it.i personally like the slide on butcaps the best. http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.TextId?hvarTextId=16515&hvarTarget=search&cmCat=VIEWCART
  12. i think you can get a righty wide spool. http://www.pfluegerfishing.com/products/products.php?p=2 http://www.pfluegerfishing.com/products/products.php?p=2 their website doesn't show a lefty at all.bass pro doesn't either.maybe they just came out with the lefty.the reason it retrieves more is the line guide has to move farthur on a wide spool thus taking in more line.the narrow spool reel is smaller and lighter in weight.the narrow spool weighs less and should cast slightly better with light baits because of this.
  13. sufix braid is great.i've never used the others.
  14. the wide spool model retrieves more than the narrow spool.
  15. flouro lasted about 10 minutes on my spool and that was it.i used cajun red cast 2 years ago and respooled my spinning rod 1 time in8 months.never had the line break and caught many 5 lbers on it.quality line should last a lot longer than 15 hours.
  16. that was me that posted them.i have not seen any with the newest lines yet.if i do i wil post them.
  17. good rod for the money.even better on sale at $29.
  18. i've never heard anything bad about tuf line.i personally have not used it.i thought the finish was to rough.guys that use it like it a lot.
  19. the all star big boy will pull down a house!!!
  20. cajun red cast or sufix braid
  21. 5 -7 a trip on my home lake is average.i do know of a lake up here where 50 a day is possible and happens often but the size is lacking.it depends on where you are fishing.some lakes are known for #s and some are known for size.el salto in mexico is known for both.to bad i live in ny. ;D
  22. you're being hard on the guy.tournament fishermen don't trophy fish so an 11 pound bass is great.
  23. cajun red cast 12 lb.
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