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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. man came home from work and promptly sat down in his favorite chair, turned on the TV and said to his wife, "Quick, bring me a beer before it starts." She looked puzzled but brought him a beer. He finished the beer quick and then said to his wife, "Quick, bring me another beer. It's about to start." This time she looked angry; but brought him the beer anyway. He finished that one and said, "Quick, bring me another beer before it starts." Well at that she just blew her top, "You lazy bum. You waltz in here and plop down in your chair, don't even say hi to me; then you expect me to run around like your slave and bring you beer. Don't you realize that I cook, clean, and iron all day, and then I take care of you when you get home?" The guy sighed and said, "Crap, it's started."
  2. i pitch with an all star im10x big boys 6-10 inch rod.it's extra heavy and will pull anything out of the slop.
  3. i have the 6-8 zell rowland all star im10x rod.it's a great rod for spinnerbaits and a decent general purpose rod.
  4. i have 2 of them.it's a nice reel but you have to adjust it like any other baitcaster.it does cast light baits easily and it is very smooth.i like the hybrid centrifugal/magnetic system.
  5. here in ny we have catch and release from nov 30 to the 3rd saturday in june.the law says immediate release means you can weigh it and photograph it then release it.i don't know how california interprets their law.i personally feel wheakley's fish should qualify because it was not intentionally foul hooked and if the calfornia authorities didn't ticket him then you have to accept he was legal.
  6. To me Jay the things are easy, I would have unhooked it and released it immediately because the law says that 's what should be done. It 's like when I found a wallet right at my doorstep, it contained several credit cards, a driver 's license and 500 dollars in cash, I located the owner 's phone number, called him and told him to come and pick up his wallet with the 500 dollars still in it. That 's the kind of guy I am, it may sound stupid to you or to many, my sense of honesty forbids me any wrong doing. ain't nothing wrong with that!!!keep it up raul!!!
  7. i also think the prices are ridiculous.that said, if i could afford it i would fish with all diawa steez rods and reels.they are just sooooo light!!!but since i can't afford it i'm happy with my pflueger reels on bass pro rods.
  8. being a chrysler master tech for 14 years i will say i can't wait until mercedes sells us.mercedes has done nothing good for us and every part of theirs we use breaks anyways.
  9. I have owned dozens of Pflueger reels over the years and I have only had one problem. That was with a Trion baitcaster the first year they came out. I was fishing frogs in heavy pads and I busted a gear or something inside. This was after several hard core pad fishing trips. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Pflueger. The fact that Pflueger is a subsidiary of Shakespeare (K2 Corp) has nothing to do with production. Brunswick owns Triton and Mercury but I highly doubt the bowling ball and air hockey divisions are making the Optimax Motors and TR20X bass boats. JT Bagwell you tell them jt!!!
  10. i would have bought a pflueger medalist with the aluminum frame.i own a bunch of pflueger reels and have no problems with them.shimano is a great reel but they have issues also.there are many guys who have had stradics bind when wet me being one of them.i know many guys who have older curados that don't lay line evenly.they have fixed this by replacing the levelwind and gear.i feel that the pflueger line is just as good for less money.
  11. pflueger made a gold medalist rod for dicks which was really a trion rod.i think the gold medalist reel is a trion reel with 1 or 2 more bearings.i would definately go with a regular medalist because i think the one you are looking at has a graphite frame.the president spinning reel is also graphite so i would go up to the medalist instead of that also.
  12. i like a soft m-h.it's not qyite as soft as a medium but softer than most m-h rods.the johnny morris signature series 6-6 mh is like this.
  13. neither.the exterme is just lighter and has better guides.
  14. i have to disagree with that.a good graphite rod in the right action and power is fine for crankbaits.it will be more sensative and weigh less than a fiberglass rod could ever be.
  15. i cast 3/16 oz weights with my pflueger president with no problem.
  16. we were all there at some point.
  17. it's a flipping switch.one way the thumb bar pops up without reeling and the other you have to crank to get it to engage.it's used when flipping to make it easier to rengage the reel.
  18. you must not have kids or a wife spending your $. ;D
  19. flouro will backlash the worst.braid will backlash the least followed by a limp mono.i suggest sufix braid or cajun red cast mono.
  20. i went to the annual nybass seminar on feb. 18 and got to put my hands on a few of these combos.to be honest,if i made $500000 a year i would have nothing but these in my collection.oh my god they are weightless.they are also the closet thing to balanced in a baitcaster i have ever seen.it would take very little weight to balance them perfectly.since i don't make that much money i guess i will keep playing the lottery!!
  21. there is no best.i prefer cajun red cast.
  22. 1)i never met a flouro i liked 2)i posted line stretch test that prove flouro stretches as much and sometimes more than mono 3)the better casting flouro lines have more stretch than the stiffer lines 4)flouro is far from invisible.i watched video of lures attached to flouro and you still see the line.i've talked to many guys including people who have dived with flouro and mono and they agree it's just as easy to see as mono 5)i think flouro lines may be the biggest scam pulled on fishermen yet.stick to a good mono or braid and save your $.
  23. i don't go lighter than 8 lb test.
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