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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. i'd get a 40 size.bigger spool = less line issues and stronger reel.it's not like it weighs a lot either.
  4. i mentioned it in the 3rd post.best braid made imho.
  5. A 6 year old and his 4 year old brother were talking one morning before breakfast. The 6 yr old says "I think were old enough now to start cursing, so when we get down for breakfast, I'm gonna say something using the word hell and you say something using the word ***. The 4 yr old agrees enthusiastically and they go bounding down stairs for breakfast. Upon sitting at the table their mom asks "So what would you like for breakfast boys"? The 6year old replies, "Aw hell mom, I think I'll have some cherios". WHACK! He goes flying off his chair on to the floor and runs upstairs crying as his mother in hot pursuit, smacks his butt with every step on the stairs. She locks him in his room and says, "you just stay in there until I feel like letting you out". Upon returning down stairs she turns to the 4 year old and asks "And what would YOU like for breakfast young man"? The 4 year old replies, "I dont know mom, but you can bet your fat *** its not going to be cherios". __________________ "early to bed, early to rise--fish like hell and make up lies"
  6. the reel is completely redone since those reels.it's not the same.i know a guy who has the ALL ALUMINUM VERSION of the new model and loves it.i tried it and it was very smooth.have no idea on durability.
  7. Two Polish hunters from Chicago hired a pilot to fly them to Canada to hunt moose. They bagged six. As they started loading the plane for the return trip home, the pilot tells them the plane can take only three moose. The two Poles objected strongly, stating; "Last year we shot six moose and the pilot let us put them all on board and he had the same size plane as yours." Reluctantly, the pilot gave in and all six were loaded. Unfortunately, even on full power, the little plane couldn't handle the load and went down a few minutes after takeoff. Climbing out of the wreck, Stasiu asked Wladek, "Any idea where we are?" Wladek replied, "I think we're pretty close to where we crashed last year.
  8. all brand new reels should have a drop of oil added as you have no clue how long they have been sitting.oil the spool bearings with a reel oil and make sure the drum if it has one comes out easy.
  9. some diawa reels have a drum that comes out to work with the magnets.if the drum is not oiled it sticks and the magnetic brakes stop working.
  10. i would go with a 1 piece 6-6 mh extreme
  11. i have 2 rick clunns with the itb brake.it is a hybrid magnetic centrifugal brake that imho works better than any brake i've seen so far.casting distance is awesome.
  12. as reel mech said,there is no best.i personally love the pflueger president.
  13. wahahahahahaha!!!ROFLMAO!!!THAT WAS FUNNY!!!
  14. dude,no problem!!!it takes a lot more than that to tick me off!!!i know i'm opinionated and not always right even though i would like to be.i just meant muddy man has agreed with me so much he gets one free shot to call me wrong.ROFLMAO!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  15. that's a no brainer.the president has a graphite frame.the supreme has a magnesium frame.graphite flexs and causes gear alignment issues.i would never buy any graphite framed reel no matter who made it.they do make the medalist with an aluminum frame which is in between the president and supreme.
  16. they should do it.you are paying for a no questions asked replacement service so that's what they are obligated to do.i thinka diawa zillion would be great on the new rod.
  17. Dodgeguy, You keep saying that... so why don't you use an ugly stick with braid? You'd save a bunch of money. ;D My next question would be this: you said in another thread, your own logs showed that you catch fewer fish on braid than mono and I know you use JM rods, so how do you keep coming to the conclusion that braided line and johnny morris rods are so great? I asked the second question in complete sencerity and hope you take a minute to answer... you are making some serious assumptions here wrongfully.just because i said an ugly stick with braid is more sensitive than a great rod with mono doesn't mean i love ugly sticks.it means the no stretch of the braid is a much bigger factor in sensitivity than the rod.an ugly stick is way to heavy for me and not my style.a good rod with braid is even more senstive. yes i caught fewer fish on braid.that doesn't change the fact that when talking sensitivity braid is the winner hands down.like i have stated i'm not sure if line visibilty really had anything to do with catching fewer fish or if i just had an off year.this year i am trying seguar invizx flouro to see what happens.i know i have previuosly said i hated flouro but that was until i tried this line.if i don't catch more fish on it this year it's back to the braid.if i do i may use braid and a flouro leader to get the best of both worlds.this i have not decided yet. as far as johnny morris rods go yes i do believe they are as good as any other top end rod imho!!!i'm saving $ to get the new elite series with the recoil guides.
  18. i used cajun red cast 2 years ago and caught a lot of fish.switched to straight braid and caught half as many the next year.i finally found a flouro i love =seguar invizx= and i will let you guys know how i do at the end of the year.at that pointi will have decided if i believe line visibility has anything to do with catch rate and quality.
  19. the most hassle free line on spinning is sufix braid or fireline.twist doesn'tcause problems at all with these lines.that said,this year i'm using seguar invizx in 10 lb.test.
  20. i fished friday at the nybass get together on lake mahopac with a guy who used rogue rods with the recoil guides.he let me try one.now that's a nice rod.the rod also had a woven carbon fiber grip instead of a cork handle.if i was going to a real upper end rod the rogue would be my choice.
  21. I have fished glx rods and johnny morris signature series.they now make the elite series with recoil guides.besides the price i can tell no difference.the question then becomes is the loomis warranty worth the extra $.from what i have heard if you go to a bass pro and return a broken rod they give you a new one no hassle.you make the choice.
  22. the president weighs 8.9 the supreme weighs 8.0 and the summit weighs 7.8.they all have 6 pin brakes not 4.it is nice to have the double system.
  23. they are all fine reels.if money was no object i'd get the summit.but the supreme is great also.i'd only get the summit because it's the smallest and lightest of the three.
  24. CHICKENBONE with a largie johnny windsor and 2 smallies topwater don and friend
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