I can do that with my clarus rod BUT i can tell if its empty or full bud light is nasty so i feel a lot of them as opposed to my fav coors light empties
coors and bud are for people who don't like beer.that's why they are on the bottom.the sam adams stays up top.
best reel seats made and recoil guides have no inserts to fall out.
cast with your wrist turned in so the handle is up or down depending which side it's on.this will decrese centrifugal force.also if the lure is going down and not out you are releasing it to late.
i crank rocks a lot and you will get hung sometimes.do not pull harder and jam the lure in more.bring your boat around behind the bait and pull it out.sometimes if you are using cranks that float up just let the line go slack and they will float up.a good sensitive graphite rod is a must so you can feel the bait and let it climb up and over the rocks.i generally crank slow and just play touchy feely with the rocks.it usually gets interupted by a fish.
i've run into loose fitting reels on other rod brands with fuji reel seats.fuji reel seats reaaly don't impress me that much.their guides are the best.the only reel seat i like are the ones on bass pro rods.their seats are never loose fitting.i do agree that if a reel seat is loose the rod maker should fix it and give you a new rod.
bails should be closed by hand.most pros do it that way for 2 reasons.the first is they pull out any loops and then close it and the second is you will never have a bail spring failure this way.
when the going gets tough try a small pond.i just came back from one about 40 acres.landed a 3-4,another 3-4,a 4-2 and a 5-4 in 45 minutes on a spinnerbait.i just had enough time while waiting to pick up my daughter at a birthday party.
it's been tough up here in ny also.you just gotta stick it put and find something that works.sometimes when it's slow you think you have to fish plastics slow.but the other night the ticket was deep diving cranks on rocks.nothing else would catch fish.finnese would not catch diddly squat.
titicus 9-7-07
fished titicus with papa john again and had another slow night.i caught 4 bass 2 of which were dinks.the other two were 3-3 and 2-13.one was on a 7 inch purple power worm and the other was on a dt 16 rapala sunfish pattern crankbait.john was the panfish king last night.either way we had a good time.the weeds are still really thick and healthy.water temp was 78 degrees.
here's the 3-3 followed by the 2-13.
titicus 8-31-07
well fishing tonight was slow.i did manage 2 2.5s and a dink and pete got a big white perch and a nice bass.it was kitchen sink night.my trusty crank on rocks totaly failed tonight.both my fish were on t rig red shad senkos close to shore in shallow water..the dink hit a purple power worm.pete had one on a chug bug and i forgot what the perch hit.the water was down so there are mats but they produced nothing.hopefully i will do better tommorrow with my daughter
pinnacle is made by silstar.they are decent reels.silstar makes reels for numerous companies.i'm not sure if they make reels assembled or parts of reels for other companies.bps reels have plenty of parts that look like pflueger parts.i can never get a clear answer on this with any proof from any where.in the end i don't think it matters.car manufacturers share parts all the time.chrysler makes an engine with mitisubishi and hyundai.nothing in this world is brand exclusive any more.just find a reel you like and go with it.
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