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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_90569_100003001_100000000_100003000_100-3-1 http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_58453_100002002_100000000_100002000_100-2-2 http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_94739_100001002_100000000_100001000_100-1-2 only about 10 bucks over your budget.
  2. bps rick clunn reel on sale now at bps.i have 2 i love.imho the magnetic/centrifugal hybrid brake is the best out there. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_90572_100001001_100000000_100001000_100-1-1 http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_90575_100003001_100000000_100003000_100-3-1
  3. 6-6 mh johnny morris signature series casting rod.
  4. imho you're better off with at least a 3500 series reel.the bigger spools help prevent line twist issues.
  5. vanish stinks.if you're gonna use flouro use seaguar invizx.
  6. the flouro is way more sensitive than the cajun red.braid is the most sensitive.flouro sensitvity is one reason i can understand people using it.
  7. in conclusion i would say line visibility matters at times.i would also say flouro is the least visible in ultra clear water.flouro becomes less visisible as light increases. it loses it's advantages as the water becomes stained.in stained water i feel red cast is just as good visibilty wise if not better imho.i find myself using less and less braid these days.i found seguar invizx to be a good flouro line but it still doesn't cast as good as red cast.being that i almost never fish ultra clear water i can't justify the cost in my mind of the flouro over red cast.others may like it for other reasons such as sensitivty and abrasion resistance.now we start decreasing my line diameters this year.instead of using 20 i will use 17 ,instead of 12 i'll use 10 etc...
  8. you've probably overtightened them and damaged the threads so they skip under pressure and then become loose.WARRANTY TIME.
  9. i used red cast.red lightning sucks.never tried the advantage.
  10. i have to say the bites almost double with cajun red and came close with flouro but then again there are a lot of varibles.low vis lines do get more bites.
  12. here we go.i'm still not convinced flouro is as good as everybody says.that said i really like the seguar invizx flouro line.it was way more sensative than mono and handled good for a flouro line.my biggest problem with it is the cost.i didn't catch any more fish over a year than i did with cajun red cast.i did catch more fish than i did with braid.i don't know if the cost justifies the amount of fish caught since i actually did better with red cast mono.the mono also casts better and furthur than the flouro.at this point i am undecided about using flouro again.
  13. imho you cannot beat a good centrifugal brake matched with your thumb.imho it blows away any magnetic brake.that said the hybrid magnetic/centrifugal brake found on bps rick clunn reels is my absolute favorite.instead of pins to adjust it has a centrifugal plate that comes out towards a set of magnets.it is adjustable from the outside like magnets but performs like a centrifugal brake.imho it's the best of both worlds wrapped up in one.
  14. i have to dissagree with you about the sensitivity when it comes to a johnny morris rod.i've used friends glx rods and johnny morris rods and i don't see a difference in sensitivity.they are both awesome rods.where the loomis has the johnny morris beat is the warranty.but as far as i know if you take the johnny morris back to a bps they replace it free no matter what.
  15. definately don't have to worry about an insert coming out.hopefully in the near future i'll own one to put next to my signature series johnny morris.
  16. how do you like the recoil guides?
  17. pflueger trion rods are really nice rods considering what they cost.they are also plenty sensitve.they are made with im8 graphite with an aramid braid around the blank.for $40 you can't beat them.i don't like the reel seats on them but for a cheap rod they aren't bad.i would say the falcon overall is much better but it really isn't more sensitive.
  18. you're right,there is no comparison.the bps rods are better.falcon cara rods use a graphite that is lower modulous than an extreme rod.the extreme uses hardloy guides and so does the cara.the extreme has a better reel seat.the extreme feels lighter for the same size rod imho.if you go up to a johnny morris elite series rod you get recoil guides on one of the best/most sensitive blanks made.the falcon doesn't come close to that.the falcons really aren't that light either.
  19. briad is much more sensitive than flouro.braid would make an ugly stick feel sensitive.
  20. nothing whiting has done has been a novelty.the paroblic rod was designed as a good crankbait rod.that's why it has the forgiving action.
  22. gotta go with r.w. on this one!!! ;D
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