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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. it takes much more abuse than mono so it isn't as exspensive as we think.i don't find myslef cutting and retieing as much.
  2. what they said but get seguar invizx.it's the flouro haters flouro.
  3. the rick clunn gets my vote.i have 2 i love.
  4. http://www.tackletour.com/reviewtrilenefc.html they like it but i bet you invizx casts better.
  5. i use a 5-6 pistol grip medium action baitcaster.
  6. waders can be usefull.
  7. i use seguar invizx 10 pound on a 4000 size reel.the bigger spool helps with line issues.also put the line in hot water and spool it on.let it dry and next day tie it to a tree and back it off.reel it in and spray it with kvd line and lure.let dry a few hours.with invizx this eliminates any line issues.trilene pro grade is supposed to be good too so u may get similar results.
  8. as i have said before,if you think it's wirey you purchased red lightning and not red cast.red cast is the most manageable best casting mono made imho.
  9. i use a 5-6 pistol grip from shore with bushes etc..if it's clear i use a 6-6.
  10. i'm a big fan OF BPS RODS.AT THAT PRICE POINT I THINK THE EXTREME IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT.at that price i think the pfluegr narrow spool trion or the bps rick clunn reels are hard to beat.
  11. probably the most sensitive mono ever made.
  12. the whole concept of totally invisible braid is ridiculous.not even flouro is completely invisible.no braid has a chance of coming close.
  13. i used to be a flouro hater.tried numerous brands and hated the way they handled or more accurately the way they nested.then one day a friend of mine convinced me to try again with seguar invizx.imho this line is the flourohaters line.it holds knots extremely well.it has fantastic abrasion resistance and extreme sensitivity.i suggest spooling it on with the spool in hot water.a day later tie it to a tree and back off the line.respool with kvd line spray and let sit overnight.you are now in for the best flouro fishing ever.i like it so much that this year i am using nothing but seguar invizx.just loaded all my reels the other day.
  14. imho if your tieing a palomar with flouro and doing it correctly and it breaks you need to change to a good flouro like this one.
  15. Come on ! We ain't bashing the thread. We're just voicing our opinions. I have personally used Iron Silk in white, and low visibility green... and in different poun-test. I understand your point that you were just sharing a bargain you found on that particular line. I think your thread wasn't originally created to confront opinions on this item.... but I guess that's what a forum is all about. I'm not bashing the guys that love Iron Silk. That's the way fishing works...for some a bait is gold, for others it's crap ! At least, those who thought about benefiting from the bargain have the pros and cons to make their own point of view. IMHO, Iron silk would be good for people starting baitcasting.... If you know you're prone to do a lot of backlashes... and that seems to be a good cheap choice of line. BTW GitRdone ..... a fan of Larry the cable guy ? where do you get white ironsilk?
  16. i've seen guys with gorilla hook sets break rods with braid.basically this is their own stupidity because with braid you don't need a monster hookset.also remember you can break any rod with 10 pound test if you pull back past 90 degrees.i've done it just trying to show somebody how stong 10 pound line is.boy did i feel stupid!!! ;D
  17. ROFLMAO!!! ;Di gotta be the only guy who never had a problem with it!!!it never broke on me and held a palomar knot no problem. ;Di only stopped using it because it was opaque so i figured i might as well use a braid if i was going to use an opaque line.
  18. i use regular reel grease for the gears and atf on the bearings.atf is nice and light but will stand up to high rpm.you could use some of the products here.remeber reel mech doesn't like hot sauceby quantum. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/SearchResults?searchOption=products&hvarSearchString=reel+oil&storeId=10151&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&CMID=TOP_SEARCH_GO&x=15&y=13
  19. i'm really loving this stuff.20 lb.for flipping.
  20. the lines i am about to list are each the most manageable best handling lines in their class.try one and be happy. flouro = seguar invizx braid = suffix mono = cajun red CAST
  21. a friend of mine treid samurai and said it was to soft and had no abrasion resistance.i don't know because i can't afford it.i know it is super smooth.i voted for suffix.i think all around it is the best.
  22. that's one of the smartest posts i've ever seen on any forum!!!i would add that imho sensitivity is of major importance at all times.i would add that what line you use has as much to do with it if not more than the rod.stretchy lines are not sensitive.i think feeling exactly what your spinnerbait blades are doing is important.you can feel when a bass is behind the bait by the change in the blades.you are better prepared for the strike.you can have a forgiving combo that is still sensitive so as not to rip out hooks.
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