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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. it's been explained a whole bunch of times on here.do a search and you'll find it.research red in underwater photography and you'll find out why it works in line and does the opposite on hooks..clear lines can reflect light really bad and be more visible to a fish than colored lines..that's why some fluoro lines come in green.
  2. try spiderwire ultracast or invisibraid.both are the new 8 strand type of braid.they cast better than even sufix and are even smoother.diawa and saltiga also make 8 strand braids that are really smooth.
  4. they are great rods.imho they are as good as any out there.
  5. my daughter just got home from a school trip to washington,wifes working and the other one didn't want to fish today.o.k.,i'll go by myself for 2 hours from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. today.hit the local pond which is owned by the fire dept. and is catch and release only for all species.lately there is a lot of left over garbage around the pond.i hate people who do that!!!!anyway i started out with a jig and a spinnerbait and circled the pond with no luck.tried a jerkbait and senko for the second circle.no luck with them either.i did see a few beds with no fish on them.decided to tie on a cavitron buzzbait white with a gold blade.3 casts later i caught a decent bass.circled the whole pond and managed 2 more and then called it a day.got home and my washington girl was still sleeping.
  6. i would never use a spool smaller than a 4000 with flouro.that is where everyone gets into trouble.the smaller spools cause more line issues.i have used 10 lb invizx on a 4000 spinning reel with no troubles.
  7. the new 8 strand braids such as diawa,saltiga and spiderwire ultracast are now even smoother than sufix and make almost no noise.this year on my braid rods i'm trying spiderwire ultracast invisbraid with the last 10 feet colored black.the white color makes it so i can see it and the black makes it harder for the fish to see.it is definately not translucent.i like the smoothness and the way it handles.
  8. thats what i need to learn. one backlash and that rod/reel is done for the day. maybe some day ill take the time to learn instead of just fishing with what i know, sort of like picking up a baitcaster for the first time. that's what i don't get.braid is the easiest to remove a backlash from.put your thumb on the spool and reel in some line.release the spool and pull out some line.repeat as needed.99.9% of all backlashes come right out this way.
  9. it sounds to me like he is backlashing.turn the brakes up or use your thumb on the spool.backlashes can be taken out by pressing your thumb down on the spool and reeling in some line then release the spool and pull some off until it sticks repeat process as needed.99.9% of all backlashes come out this way.i also suggest at least 50 lb braid to resist digging in.
  10. for what you paid those guides should be smoother than a babie's butt.return the rod.
  11. one im6 can be a different modulous than another im6.im numbers are not specific to modulous.the higher the modulous the more sensitive the graphite.it also becomes more brittle and harder to make a rod with.there are also many other factors that make a rod sensitve.line has more to do with it than anything else.braid is most sensitive followed by flouro and then mono.just get a good quality rod and the sensivity will take care of itself.
  12. deadstick and drag are the most productive methods imho.
  13. use yellow or white braid and color the last 10 feet black with a permanent marker.
  14. any rod can snap.%99 of the time it's user error.i think the carrot stick is lifetime warannty.
  15. send it back for warranty replacement.
  16. according to bps's catalog bps own's their own rod factories.
  17. braid all the way!!!
  18. muddy,i admire the fact that you didn't try to nail fenwick.that shows lots of character!!!sorry for your loss.i hope the extreme serves you well.
  19. i use braid cranking over weeds and deep cranking weed edges.i use flouro cranking rocks .set your drag looser and you will not lose fish.
  20. imho cajun red cast is the best mono made.
  21. for all you guys who are having trouble with flouro on spinning reels here we go again.i use a 4000 size reel.the bigger spool helps with line twist.you should put the spool in a tub of hot water and then spool it on.let dry overnight.let out all the line the next day and spray it with kvd line spray as you reel it in.let dry another day.EVEN IF THE LINE YOU USE IS NOW OK THIS PROCEDURE WILL MAKE IT A LOT BETTER!!!last but most important GET RID OF WHATEVER FLOURO LINE YOU ARE USING AND BUY THIS!!!
  22. the narrow sppol has a better brake.i use 4 on and a loose spool tension.i use my thumb instead.this gives great distance.
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