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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat20166-cat20331&id=0011735116476a&navCount=1&podId=0011735&parentId=cat20331&masterpathid=&navAction=push&catalogCode=IJ&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat20331&hasJS=true PFLTrionNLP 130/12 6.3:1 5+1 8.7 absolutely the best reel in that pricew range.
  2. those are all registered to stay there with ny city.we have to leave the boats locked at the reservoir.
  3. that was me! ;D
  4. pete l and i managed to actually get lost on titicus last night and spent 2 .5 hours rowing around trying to figure out where we were.don't ask how it happened because if we knew we wouldn't be lost.it was dark and slightly foggy so we got major disoriented and could not tell where we were.it felt like we were in the twilight zone stuck on a never ending unfamiliar reservoir.we finally figured it out and got back to our launch but it was wierd. anyway at least we caught fish.pete's fishfinder said 70 to 71.5 degrees for water temp.let me tell you there was not a single bass on a bed.they were all occupied by sunnies.all the bass were spawned out with empty bellies.fish were in a post spawn mood and scattered.the one's we did catch were shallow for the most part.we wound up with 17 in the boat including 1 perch on a deep crank.i caught 2 on a spinnerbait and the rest on a 5 inch red shad wacky rigged senko on a hookerz ewg hook with a bill m. wacky rig o ring.1 senko lasted 7 fish = not to bad. these fish tonight all fought like smallies.all became air born and made multiple runs.pete would have had 2 nice ones but one he forgot to set the hook and the other he lifted up by the jitterbug in it's mouth and we watched as the 5 lber slipped off back into the water.we also had a double which we have never had together in all our years of fishing but pete throws his back in before i can get a picture of it.i had a few choice words for him that only friends can exchange!!! here's a few pictures of our better fish not counting the one's pete let gewt away!!!ROFLMAO!!!
  5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- does anybody own one?if so do you like them?i'm thinking of getting a kicker team series 8 ft flipping stick.
  6. i guarantee the fenwick is no better than the extreme.there is nothing wrong with bps rods.not that the fenwick is a bad rod because they are really nice.i just think bps rods are a better buy.
  7. i've fished friends loomis and st croix rods and i just don't get why people say this.the johnny morris series are as sensitive as any made and light enough for me.i also think line has a lot more to do with sensitivity than a rod does.btw imho extreme rods are great.
  8. those are the backlashes from hell!!!
  9. spiderwire invizibraid is an 8 strand braid and is smoother and limper than sufix.it makes almost no noise.it is not invisible.i color the end black.the white is great for line watching.i like it better than sufix so far.
  10. do they change color like a largie based on depth and water clarity?
  11. the clunn has fuji sic guides.can't beat it in this price range.
  12. i met lp this morning and we were fishing by 6 am.we went to a cove he has caught fish in before and they were just having none of what we were giving.we went almost 2 hours before i connected with the first fish.it was a nice largie i caught on a spinnerbait.a while later i got another on the spinnerbait and that was it for spinnerbait bites.i caught 2 more fish on a wacky rigged senko.lp was the real star of the day as he got on a roll with a wacky rigged esg senko.watching leigh fish this bait is a real learning experience.even though i didn't match him i did learn a lot about his method of wacky rigging.the wind was not bad until later in the afternoon and then it got ridiculous.we had to anchor at times and boat control sucked.we noticed the smallies either had the classic bar markings on them or no bars what so ever.the no bars smallies also had fire red eyes.are this a seperate sub species or are they male and female smallies.i would love to know the answer to that question.here's some pics for everybody.
  13. i have a few pflueger reels and never had a problem where i needed customer service.
  14. if you bring it back to a store i'm sure they will exchange it.
  15. agreed it works different.the plate is centrifugal and the magnets adjustable.the magnets put pressure on the plate (magnetic pull) so it's called hybrid.i love it.
  16. the plate doesn't rub on anything.the plate is centrifugal.the magnets are adjustable in relationship to the plate.the magnets slow down the plate which is attached to the spool.
  17. your brakes are a hybrid magnetic/centrifugal system.they adjust externally with a dial.you then have a spool tension knob next to the crank.i set my spool tension loose and use my thumb.i set the dial at around 7 or 8.this produces long backlash free casts with spiderwire invisibraid.when using flouro i have to use some more spool tension.
  18. drill an 1/8 inch hole through the trigger and now you have the worlds best hook keeper.
  19. i have no idea but it sure works fine.
  20. i actually like it better than a factory hook hanger.you can't damage the blank.
  21. drill a hole through the trigger and now you have a hook hanger.
  22. i love bps rods.i have found them to be every bit as sensitive as other rods on the market that my friends use.
  23. that would mean either pickeral or another toothy critter or you need to check your line more often.
  24. pflueger trion =weightless trickworm with a hook. same for my president and my 2 rick clunn reels.
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