if i needed a leader i wouldn't use braid.i hate knots and swivels.i would use straight flouro.i'm still not convinced it matters.i've seen plenty of days where braid outfished flouro and others where flouro outfished braid.last year i used all flouro and had a good year production wise.i still wasn't totally convinced that was the reason so this year i switched back to braid and i'm doing just as well if not better.there are to many other varibles imho to be worrying about your line.find a line you like and use it.i wish i had all the money i wasted trying lines!!!location and presentation are far more important.i would even put lure color ahead of line.
the line does not dissapear like they state.fishing at night you would not need a leader.i'm still not convinced u would need one in the day either.i think suffix and spiderwire invisibraid are both far superior to fireline.i'm using the spiderwire this year because it's white and i can see it. i color the last 5 feet with a black marker.
that's completely wrong.the cast control knob should be loose once your thumb is trained.the brake weight setting controls the intial backlash and should remain constant unless your casting style changes.
7-6 h johnny morris flipping stick with 65 lb. spiderwire invisibraid colored black on the last 5 feet with a pflueger trion reel.i use the invisibraid because i can see it and it's nice line.it sure isn't invisible.
if you are already using a flouro leader then it's not the line causing a lack of bites.i know guys who use that line and color the end black and have good catch rates.they buy it because it's white and easy to see.
Read Item Notice
1 below 10-20 LB
3/8 - 3/4 OZ 6'6" MH
10 GUIDES $129.50
imho this is your best choice.
technically it's a 1 year warranty.if you go to the store instead of shipping it they usually give you a new rod.i think they just don't want a scene in the store.
Just a thought here. While you are at the tackle shop ask them and find out if they have a service tech. If they do, have them service your spinning reel don't leave the reel feeling rough. Then get yourself the bait caster.....
Just my .02¢ from the bench.
Good Luck & Tight Lines!
David's advice is always on spot! I would just add that you will still need your spinning tackle to fish for awhile. The learning curve for a baitcaster can be challenging, you'll want to use the spinning rig most of the time while you are learning to use the new tackle.
i don't think i've ever dissagreed with rw until now.get your spinning reel fixed but put it down until you force yourself to learn your baitcaster.in a week you'll be glad you did.
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