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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. the braid is limper so it will cast furthur than flouro.a limp mono such as trilene xl might cast as far or close 2 it.
  2. pflueger supreme is the best value for the $ !!!
  3. i don't have either rod but i have a rod with recoil guides.i use them with berkley's new fireline braid and have no problems with them.i actually think they make less noise than my fuji titanium sic guides with the same line.
  4. i was throwing weightless plastic lizards (7 inch) into a 17 mph wind today with the patriarch with no backlash.also caught my first fish of the year.a 3 pounder at a local pond on a chartreuse 1/2 oz double willow booyah spinnerbait.
  5. the president cannot compare to the supreme.i would use a 4000 size.with flouro line the bigger spool makes less twist.
  6. i've already done it.fireline braid wins.it's smoothest and handles the best.i've used all 3 plus a bunch of the others.
  7. because all lines are visible in water including flouro!!!flouro is just less visible than others.
  8. power pro is outdated.go with berkley's new fireline braid.it is an 8 strand braid.it is rounder and smoother than the others and handles the best.
  9. digging in is caused by pulling against a snag which causes braid to dig into itself.this is solved by using a round smooth braid.the best is berkley's new fireline braid.braid on a baitcaster should be at least 12/50.i use 14/65 and 15/80.these are the same diameters as mono lines you would use.the thicker line helps prevent digging.save thin braids for spinning.
  10. THE JOHHNY MORRIS IS FAR FROM THE SAME REEL AS THE PATRIARCH.THE PATRIARCH IS BUILT ON A REVO FRAME AND IS SMALLER THAN THE MORRIS REEL.oops,sorry about the caps!!!they are both nice but i like the smaller frame of the patriarch /revo reels better.
  11. power pro is outdated!!!try berkley's new fireline braid.the new fireline braid (not fused fireline) is a totally round and smooth 8 strand braid that resists digging in better than any other braid.you should never use under 12/50 on a baitcaster because thinner lines dig in easier.you should use the same diameter you use in mono lines.save the lighter braid for spinning reels.
  12. invizx is more manageable and casts better.
  13. the patriarch has 20 pounds of drag.the titanium finish on the patriarch will look good long after the revo is scratched up.the are both good products.
  14. i have a woo 6-6 mh spinning that i love.
  15. there are reasons the patriarch is the top of the line pflueger reel.
  16. fiskars kids scissors.
  17. pflueger patriarch narrow spool
  18. then you get guys like me who prefer the narrow spool.it's also .4 oz lighter than the wlp.
  19. it's great with all lures as long as you know how to use a baitcaster.the small light spool and dual braking system are awesome.
  20. the patriarch on ebay at $169 blows the others away!!!
  21. with a centrifugal brake if the backlash starts at the front of the cast you need more centrifugal braking.if it starts in the middle you need more spool tension or thumb.the same applies for magnets except because of the different magnetic systems you may have more overlap throughout the cast between the spool tension and magnetic braking.
  22. i've seen it go the other way also.the guy with braid kicks the flouro users but!!!i think it has more to do with some imperceptible difference in the way one guy works the bait over the other.i used flouro a couple of seasons ago because i thought it would make a difference.it did and i caught 3 times as many fish so i thought the flouro was responsible.last year for the heck of it i went back to braid and wound up catching just as many.so does it matter or not?not over a full season of fishing.btw,the reservoirs i fish are very clear most of the time.
  23. pflueger patriarch narrow spool 7-1.
  24. i have a buddy who loves the diawa braid.i think it's to soft personally and cuts easier on rocks than the fireline and sufix braids.it is smoother than any of them with the fireline braid being a close second.
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