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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. i would switch to all the same brand/model rods and reels with the only difference being rod lengths/actions and gear ratio.this would keep everything feeling almost equal and be one less thing you have to adjust 2.i use all johnny morris signature series with pflueger reels.all my rods are 6-6 mh except my 7-6 h flipping stick.
  2. like they said,check your guides etc.. then spool up some 50 lb fireline braid.
  3. listen to reel mechanic.
  4. tighten your drag.check it before you cast.you aren't getting that fish again.
  5. i agree totally.i lean towards the signature series because i like full grips and feel the titanium fuji sic guides are the best made.both series are great.
  6. bps johnny morris signature series .
  7. pflueger trion narrow spool
  8. i would spend $99 AND GET A PFLUEGER TRION NARROW SPOOL.never buy a reel with a graphite frame.
  9. i would go with a pflueger president.
  10. get a pflueger.i've owned both and pfluegers are better.get a president , patriarch or patriarch xt.
  11. pflueger medalist ,supreme or supreme xt.
  12. Dodgeguy you are not the man I want negotiating peace in the middle east, but you were right. You have the courage of your convictions and that is too rare a thing.
  13. i find usually when one works the other doesn't.
  14. i've played with the supreme xt at cabela's.i thought it was really awesome.time will tell.my medalist is 4 seasons old and now my daughter gets it.
  15. as far as bails go i think quantum has the best idea yet with thier magnetic bail trip.no spring to ever break.
  16. i learned years ago to close the bail by hand on any spinning reel.
  17. i decided to up grade my pflueger medalist 4000 size spinning reel to a pflueger supreme 3500 spinning reel so i ordered it from bass pro shops.should be here early next week.i love pflueger reels.the main reason for the upgrade is the medalist weighs 14.2 oz and the supreme weighs 8.8 oz.i only own one spinning rod and i wanted to lighten it up to where my baitcasters are.being i like bigger spinning reels magnesium was the way to go.
  18. i fish johnny morris signature series exclusively and they are amazing.
  19. a picture is worth a 1000 words!!!ROFLMAO!!! ;D
  20. no problem dude.you are a man of class.thank you.
  21. thank you!!!
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