I don't think Aarons fish had lockjaw LOL. He just needed to find a bait that could get that he could suspend that deep and represent a shad. There aren't too many baits that you can effectively use for suspended fish compared to the amount of bottom baits, sub surface and topwater baits available. I personally think fishing for suspended fish is something the general public has garnered as uncatchable. I honestly feel my odds are better at catching a trophy fish that is suspended than one that is on the bottom. I know that's contradictory to what the books say but 90% of my 5lb + spots are suspenders. If your a spotted bass guy you'll be lost many times of the year if you don't learn how to catch suspended fish. There are ways around it but not as consistant.
i wouldn't know because up here we have no spots.from what i do know they react differently than largies.