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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. i only want reviews on the berkley line.come on guys,i know there are a lot more of you out there that are using it/tried it.
  2. bps johnny morris signature series 6-6 mh casting rod.
  3. pflueger does not have greased spool bearings.
  4. i need reviews on it.please only reply if you have actually used the line.tell me the good and the bad.thanks dudes.
  5. the all aluminum construction and titanium depostion finish will keep a patriarch looking good long after the others look terrible.the finish is close to indestructable.
  6. are you sure you have them set right.i've never had problems casting pflueger reels.
  7. bionic down ... china extreme up Korea... and i know who the OEM is ... so why don't you tell us?
  8. a shimano calais has the spin on handle style also.i like it much better than the old fashioned nut on the end.
  9. 1/4 jigs = 6-6 mh johnny morris siganture series spinning rod.3/8 to 1 oz = 7-6 johnny morris heavy flipping stick.both fast action.
  10. excellent braid.i prefer the fireline braid because the stiffness makes less tip wrap.the samuri is softer and smoother and is also a great line.
  11. because the johnny morris signature serires and elites are some of the best rods made and come with fuji titanium frame sic guides or recoils.i've fished with them for years and have NEVER broken one.so i don't need a lifetime waranty even though i've heard if you return it to the store they replace it no questions asked.
  12. There is more to it than weight reduction. The fact is, the more exposed blank you have, the better the rod will transmit vibration. That means a no front/split grip handled rod will be more sensitive than a traditional handled rod. what a bunch of hooey!!!a good portugese cork handle with the blank through has just as good feel.split grips reduce butt weight there for causing the rod to be more tip heavy.
  13. ROFLMAO!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  14. 6-6 mh johnny morris signature serie with a pflueger patriarch reel spooled with 40 fireline braid.
  15. elite blanks are the same as signature series.
  16. 7-6 heavy fast action bps johnny morris signature series.
  17. i buy matzuo hooks at kmart for $2.50 per 6 pack.they work for me.
  18. the bigger the spool the further it will cast.i suggest a pflueger supreme xt 3500 size.if you want flouro use 8 lb seguar invizx.if you want mono i suggest 8 lb cajun red cast. if you want braid i suggest 15 0r 20 pound fireline braid.out of all of those the red cast will cast the furthest.
  19. it's only your reel if the line is looping and snagging on the loop.if not it's digging in.20lb is to thin for a baitcaster.on top of that i would switch to fireline braid.use at least 40 lb test even 50 or 65.fireline braid is the roundest braid made and does not dig in.i've used them all and i know.
  20. it absolutely makes a difference.guys talk about rod sensitivity making a difference all the time.changing brands of rods will surely affect that.different grips feel different.different reels with different braking systems cast different.every time you switch you must adjust and this takes off some of your concentration on fishing because you are using it to adapt to your constantly changing gear.
  21. all my rods are 6-6 mh johnny morris signature series except my 7-6 flipping stick.this means i always know what to expect and never have to adjust to different rod lenths or feel.the reels are different ratos.if i could afford it they would all be either pflueger supreme 9035 xt spinning reels or pflueger patriarch casting reels in either 6.4 to 1 or 7.1 to 1.we way overcomplicate things when we fish.
  22. i fish them wacky rigged on a 6-6 mh bps johnny morris signature series rod with a pflueger 9035 supreme xt on 20 lb fireline braid.
  23. i am a big pflueger fan.that said the president has a graphite frame and i will not buy reels with graphite frames.i have broken necks on 3 of different brands and the frames twist on all of them which misaligns the internals.i've had grinding issues due to this on various brands. mount a grapjite frame reel on a rod and grab the body.i can twist any of them at least15 degress off center with no problem at all.that cannot be done with aluminum or magnesium.
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