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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. i have a johnny morris elite with recoils that i ran fireline braid on for and it was not noisey and did not groove.i still with suggest sic guides for braid.i have since taken the braid off that rod because i have heard of it grooving them also.
  2. sounds like they are sick of replacing rods all the time.most rods that break are because of the user.in these hard financial times companies can ill afford to pay for things that really aren't their fault.they should lower their prices if they are going to get rid of the xpiditor service.
  3. good choice.make sure you oil it a little first.i do this with all reels.
  4. it is nice line.i just prefer the fireline braid because it has a little more body to it and i think it helps with tip wrap.the samurai is smoother and limper.
  6. you haveto spend at least $100.i suggest a pflueger trion narrow spool.it's the best value at that price.
  7. http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/bassmaster/bigBass/news/story?id=4807839
  9. newest patriarch has the nut style.i liked the old handle.
  10. imho the pflueger patriarch is the best casting reel made.the xt can only be better.
  11. i would use fireline braid in 40 lb test and up.anything less may digg in.other braids you have to be 50 and up.save light braids for spinning rods.
  12. vanish is what your fish will do.
  13. tackle tour did a review on the signature series.they are nice reels.i do not own one but i have a pflueger patriarch with the same brake system.it is backlash free when set right.you will love that reel it has titanium depostion finish like the pflueger which makes it very hard to scratch.the reel will look nice for years to come.
  14. u r welcome.i do think u would be happy with a patriarch or patriarch st.both are top of the line reels.they are built on the same frame as the revo reels but i feel they have superior braking systems.also the titanium depostion finish is close to indestructable.it is now available in a 7-1 lefthanded narrow spool.
  15. i've used seguar invizx and found it awesome.i am trying the berkley %100 flouro professional grade this year.sguar was good on a baitcast up to 20 lb test never had any line failures from the line.
  16. I thought about this and realized that upon casting I use my casting arm to guide and control the flight of the cast. Also I turned to the tv to watch a few casts. The majority of people do not switch while the lure is in the air. I also wondered what you do about your thumb, the one that controls the spool to prevent back lashes that surely occur if you are handing the rod off between hands before the cast ends. It looks like you have your own technique, something you developed to keep the rythmn up. I would say most people do not make that switch the few moments the cast is moving, peeling out and putting torque on the rod. That has to be tiring to get that movement done each time during the dwell time of the cast for most people. From the oberservations the switch seems to be made about the moment the cast ends and the lure is hitting the water for the majority of people I watched cast. Most cast and hold the rod, some add a a little control to the cast, like me, through the rod during the cast. During that time many thumb the spool. Watching the cast, they move switching just as it ends. Adding any unnecessary movement to a mechanical motion in engineering mechanical systems clearly is not the best way to do things. In biological systems, (behavioral biology, down my alley) nature has eliminated unnecessary movements, you won't see it. My limited reading on the subject suggests that we adapted to the method of switching hands as that was the best way to use the reels available at the start of the industry and sport, early 1800's. Then tradition set the path. I found the subject interesting quite a while ago. I caught one of the TV anglers during a show that was mentioning a number of pro's were switching to LH reels to increase the number of casts per day, as I mentioned. Now that is not to say the way you fish is inefficient. Likely not switching hands for you is so unnatural that it in itself causes wasted energy and is ineffiecient, hence you move in a way that works for you. It boils down to what you like. I appreciate your comment because as I mentioned I find the subject on these types of preferences very interesting and I learned something because of the difference in your personal method. i use a pflueger patriarch which is nearly backlash free.i cast with the handlle up and pass it instantly to my right hand palming position.it slides right from the left to the right and the thumb never goes out of position.all i have to do is thumb it before it hits the water and i have no problem doing that and then i engage the crank with the reel already being palmed.i sometimes even thumb it left handed.
  17. imho this is a no brainer. 38-351-192-00 6.2:1 35" 8.8 OZ 8 LB/200 YDS 9035XT $129.99 http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_98349_100001002_100000000_100001000_100-1-2 with http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_104147_100002002_100000000_100002000_100-2-2 or http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_98315_100002002_100000000_100002000_100-2-2 or http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_98026_100002002_100000000_100002000_100-2-2
  18. IF THEY ARE AT LEAST FUJI HARDLOYS THE ANSWER WOULD BE YES.I WOULD GO WITH A BETTER BRAID SUCH AS FIRELINE BRAID OR DIAWA SAMURAI.oops,sorry on the caps lock.anyway powerpro is extremely rough and noisey compared to the other 2 lines.
  19. there is no time lost switching hands.the switch is made before the bait hits the water.
  20. And i thought i was the only one. x3 x4 I remember when that happened to me. I was like awwww... crap!!!! I was night fishing too and couldn't get my birds nest fixed. I don't feel like you need to fish a senko on baitcasting gear, but like others mention, it works. x5 i used to use baitcast until my buddy turned me on to wacky rig spinning.
  21. i could not get used to it.the spinning reel has the handle down low and turns in a bigger circle where the baitcaster is up high and turns in a smaller circle.your hand is trained to the spinning rod which is why it feels odd.to me it's easier to switch hands when baitcasting.i never understood what the big deal is about switching hands.
  22. so do i,just can't afford them.
  23. As discussed in many threads - the BPS products seem to be controversial with both passionate naysayers AND supporters. However, the Extremes on closeout right now on-line seem to be a good value at $59. I just got in 2 more yesterday. A fun fact: I now have both a G. Loomis 7' MF casting rod (GLX MBR842C), and a BPS Extreme 7' MF - the Loomis rod weighs 125 grams, the Extreme weighs 152 - a 27 gram difference. So, the Loomis weighs about 18% less but it also cost nearly 5 times more than the Extreme... I hope it's 5 times as sensitive ! don't hold your breath!!!
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