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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. there's only one choice under 150 and that would be a st.croix premier.a hair over that would be a st.croix avid.
  2. if you're looking for a great reel get one of these.far better than anything else in this price range http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_94739_100001002_100000000_100001000_100-1-2 or http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_98349_100001002_100000000_100001000_100-1-2
  3. PFL SUMMIT LP 100 yards / 12 Lb. 7.1:1 7.8 oz Standard Right Medium Freshwater if 7.8 oz is heavy you need to go to a gym.great reel to buy imho.
  4. you findly started suggesting something besides shimano!!!at last you went upscale!!!ROFLMAO!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  5. get a pflueger patriarch xt with dbs.under 7 oz.same frame as revo.titanium depostion finish that will outlast any other finish.
  6. i would get the pflueger patriarch xt.it's the best revo made.
  7. Isn't that contradictory? Yes, it does pay to have light equipment, but if as you say, it always takes ounces to balance the rod by itself, then you'll be forced to attach a 3-bearing reel made of polycarbonate in order to offset the weight you added to the rod. I personally prefer to spend the money on a lightweight rod, rather than a lightweight reel. In this manner, I can select a reel with a robust frame and high-bearing count, and still end up with a "naturally" balanced outfit. But of course, it all boils down to personal preference. Roger and my question to you would be where do you hold the rod?do you palm the reel?if so your balance point should be the center of the reel seat.if not then your balance point should be where you hold it.most guys i know palm the reel so most of us should use the center of the reel seat as the fulcrum point.now if you prefer slightly tip heavy that's cool but it's not "balanced".that would be like balancing a wheel and the electronic balancer tells you to put on 2 ozs of weight and you prefer 1.5 oz.well 1.5 oz may keep you awake while driving with a shimmey but it's not "balanced".
  8. why on earth would you balance a rod any place but the center of the reel seat?that makes no sense at all.the only reason to vary from that is if you hold it elsewhere.most of us don't.the word balance means even so a balanced rod will sit flat on top of the fulcrum point at which it is balanced.if it is butt heavy or tip heavy it is not balanced.all casting rods will take over 1 oz to achieve this.this is true of even the diawa steez rods.if you prefer your rods tip heavy that's ok if it works for you but don't call it balanced because it's far from it.
  9. they only go back and forth when you reel in.dirt and weeds can get into the pawl and wear it out causing it to stop moving.the gear on the end of the pawl can strip from to much gunk jamming the pawl.either way it doesn't cost much in parts.clean your reels after every use aND THIS will stop happening.
  10. all rods take ozs to balance.the proper balance point is the center of the reel seat.reel weight has nothing to do with balance if the fulcrum is the center of the reel seat.a neutral balanced rod is less tiring to fish with than a tip heavy rod.the extra weight is definately not noticed.it still pays to have lghter equipment becuase a lighter setup takes less weight to balance in most cases and over all weight stays lower.
  11. that's ok cause loomis still gets the record for broken rods.then guys pay $50 and smile about it and say what great service it was.ALL RODS CAN AND DO BREAK!!!
  12. http://tackletour.com/reviewpremiumbraidroundup.html powerpro is outdated.there are a bunch of braids out that blow it away.i personally like fireline braid (not fused fireline).
  13. cajun red cast 20 lb test.any stronger than that and i would go to braid.
  14. i couldn't have siad it better myself!!!what really cracks me up is the desire for faster spool bearings when guys can't even control backlash with the ones they have.does casting another 5 feet really matter?
  15. pflueger trion narow spool.
  16. all braids break way over what they are rated at.
  17. Yeah, that dude really doesn't have a clue. : http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat20166-cat20333&id=0043073121539a&navCount=5&podId=0043073&parentId=cat20333&masterpathid=&navAction=push&catalogCode=IA&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat601233&hasJS=true I'd go with the 35. I have one in the bigger 40 size for throwing things on a 8' spinning rod across the lake or river into the next county, and people don't realize how very light these reels are comparative to their size. Great, great reels for the money. I wouldn't be so quick to dimiss him as being clueless. Pflueger already has replacements for both the Supreme and the President. The Supreme XT and President XT have been out a while now and appear to be selling fairly well, so why wouldn't they discontinue the older models? different price points in the market.
  18. the guy at the counter is a moron.
  19. i have to strongly disagree with these guys.look at any pro and they all use 4000 size reels.the reason is the spool is bigger so you have less line issues.the reel is stronger.i use a 3500 supreme xt.since the reel is magnesium weight is not an issue.i strongly suggest you follow in the steps of van dam and ike and use at least a 3500 size reel.
  20. works %99 of the time when you do it right.
  21. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_98314_100002006_100000000_100002000_100-2-6
  22. i would get a brand new pro qualifier from bps with dual brakes.
  23. pflueger trion narrow spool for $99 is a great buy.read the reviews. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat20166-cat20331&id=0011735116476a&navCount=1&podId=0011735&parentId=cat20331&masterpathid=&navAction=push&catalogCode=IA&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat601233&hasJS=true
  24. that's cause your special!!!ROFLMAO!!! ;D i'd buy the supreme xt before the stradic.
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