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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. i'd give the edge to spinning because your not palming the reel your holding the rod handle.i think it makes a very subtle difference.someone also else said a lesser rod was as sensitive with braid as a glx with mono.well almost any rod with braid will be more sensative as a glx or any other top end rod with mono.mon and flouro just have way to much give and stretch to even compare to braid in sensitivity.braid outshines all other lines by far in sensitivity department.
  2. that might be a possibilty as i use nothing under 20 lb test in braid.
  3. that's why you need to retie even if it is braid.i've never had quality braid that wasn't worn snap on me.i've had worn braid break or braid get cut on rocks but never had fresh quality braid snap on a cast or a backlash stopped cast.
  4. I really find it hard to believe that in the amount of years you have been fishing braid you have not snapped off on a cast. I mean I know I don't do it very often but it has happened more than maybe I'd like to admit. It doesn't take much weight either I casted off a Hollow belly frog with fifty lb power pro. I will tell you exactly how to do if you really want to know as well? never ever snapped on a cast.
  5. so will steel cable given enough abuse.i used to use powerpro for years and never snapped it either.i've snapped rods on hooksets before the braid snaps.you guys gotta show me how to do this.
  6. Get real any braid will snap off if you get a back-lash. i have never snapped braid on a cast even with a backlash.i have been using braid since the early 1990's.i might agree it would happen with a 5 oz lure but i don't throw anything over 1 oz..worn line doesn't count because it should have been retied.
  7. fireline braid does not break on casts only cheap braid or braid that is worn will snap on a cast.
  8. Everything is back to normal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kind of puts the world back in balance. ;D
  9. If I remember correctly, Shimano has a patent on PP lines so that others can't copy their line size, components or manufacturing process. why would they?powerpro is outdated and there are far better lines being made.
  10. i have the narrow spool and i have to agree.
  11. red hooks reflect light line let's light pass through it.these are totally different properties.
  12. that's a no brainer for the jm combo.the jm rod is far better.
  13. trion narrow spool is smaller than the wide spool.they are all great reels.
  14. the jm elite in right hand retrieve is 8.3 oz.
  15. great advice !!! i do the same thing.
  16. those are the worst backlashes.
  17. it's nice to see an open minded review of a pflueger product by a shimano guy.thank you.
  18. you have grit and dirt on the end the levelwind binds on.it binds bwcause the grit and dirt take up the space and can't be compressed.
  19. ford = found on road dead.
  20. worst braid ever made.buy this and don't look back.
  21. ditch the powepro and get fireline braid.i use it on my jm elite recoils with no problem.
  22. or you could buy a johnny morris signature series rod with the best reel seat made.
  23. i'd lube the spool bearings if i were you.the patriarch is a great reel.i can't wait to get the xt for xmas.good luck with yours and thanks for the review.
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