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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. pfluger supreme xt or patriarch are the way to go.
  2. braid all the way.
  3. i've been telling people powerpro was outdated for over a year now.i'm glad to see others realizing it.
  4. john,get the rod balancer by bps.it slips on and off.if you don't like it you can always take it off.i glue mine on after i get them perfect.
  5. i have a rod with recoils.they are fantastic.i use fireline braid on them with no wear issues.they are almost unbreakable from what i have seen.they are also very light.
  6. i balance all my rods under the reel seat.they are level when balanced on your finger this way.even though the total package is heavier when fishing it feels lighter.you feel only the vibrations up your line.you do not have to fight tip weight which deadens feel.
  7. i have last years model.it can't be beat.
  8. that's what happens when you take weight off the wrong end.
  9. caught a lot of fish on red braid.wish fireline made a red braid.
  10. Any reason you prefer the Fireline braid as opposed to the Fused Fireline, which is optimized for spinning reels? fused frays and comes apart.braid lasts longer.braid is easier to get tangles out of.my wife prefers fused. for the life of me i can't understand why anyone would use outdated powerpro when there are lines like sufix 832,diawa samurai and fireline braid out there.
  11. the only time i have an issue is if it hits a razor sharp edge it will cut it.in practicle use i really don't have that issue very much.yes,i agree flouro and mono are better in rocks.i fish cranks on braid all day in rocks and sometimes never retie.as one of the commenys states he is also not using braid of the same diameter as mono.this is why i say you have to use at least 50 lb test.
  12. won a spinning reel at the seminar.gotta save some bucks to get an avid for it.
  13. ROFLMAO!!!
  14. i had the pleasure of meeting bass resource member and nybass member j francho at the nybass seminar this sunday.he is truely a gentleman . john brought a bunch of avid rods for me to check out because i had mentioned that since bps screwed up their johnny morris line i was switching to st.croix avids.we stood out in the cold and talked fishing during a break while i was checking out the rods.john came to larchmont ny all the way from western ny to get to the seminar.i'm glad i had the chance to meet him.hopefully i will get the chance to fish with him someday.if any of you guys are offered that opportunity i suggest you take it.
  15. never use a leader.never have a problem with fireline braid in rocks.the newer braids are better in rocks.you should also be fishing at least 50 lb test in rocks and check line regularly.
  16. you are taking weight off the wrong end of the rod.a st croix premier 6-6 mh is 4.5 oz with full grip.a mojo 6-6 mh is the same rod with split grip and it is 4.1 oz.you have removed a whopping .4 oz of cork and made the tip feel heavier.you would be better of adding a balance weight to the rod butt to get a weightless tip.
  17. the guides on the johnny morris signature series are downgraded from titanium framed fuji sic to pac bay guides.split grips do nothing but take weight off the wrong end of the rod.
  18. i think bps ruined their rods.i will never buy another.it's probably going to be stcroix avids for me.
  19. flw.espn ruined bass.
  20. totally agree.chris i also agree on the supreme xt which has the carbon drag.
  21. get fireline braid and do it right the first time.
  22. i haven't actually kept track of it i'm going by instinct.i would be willing to say if you did keep track of it you might find i was right.
  23. i use a full spool of braid.i tie to the spool and start taping over the line as it spools on.a couple of wraps of black electrical tape and i'm done.
  24. start keeping track of it.
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