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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. it had very low stretch and hkgh sensitivity.
  2. take a piece of heat shrink tubing and cut it and shrink it over the tie to close it off.or buy some booyah spinnerbaits at dicks with the closed ends.there are other brands that make them also.i also use jigheads to t-rig worms.
  3. i buy spinnerbaits with closed ties so i can use them with a snap.jigs are fine.i use a berkley cross lock snap.if they aren't scared of the brush guard they sure aren't scared of a small snap.what convinced me is i have a friend who does the same and even when i fished flouro on my home lake which is really clear most of the time ,he got just as many bites fishing powerpro with a snap.being as i fish from a rowboat i can't really have more than 4 setups without loosing them overboard so a snap helps a lot.your braid also lasts forever.
  4. i agree with marty on the snap with braid.
  5. should have used http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/6946/firelinebraid.jpg
  6. i'd get a pflueger patriarch on a st croix avid.
  7. what you just said should be proof enough.
  8. not true.never happened to any pfueger i owned. Unless you can say, "I can't make it happen on a Pflueger," it has nothing to do with the fact that it's a Pflueger and is more than likely related to how it's being done. I know for certain that I can make it happen on a Pflueger because I've done it. I typically put tension on the line with my fingers just in front of the reel. If I bias the grip my fingers have on the line to one side or the other as I'm spooling, the line will spool heavier to the side that is favored regardless of the reel brand. So, if you notice the line starting to spool a little heavier to one side, you can usually correct it by favoring the other side. At least this my experience. you can make it happen on any reel.what does that mean?NOTHING !!!i'm assuming it happens all the time to him on normal reeling.that would be a problem.i have seen this happen regularly on the older curados and it's usually the pawl assembly.that's the only reason i asked him if it was a shimano.
  9. not true.never happened to any pfueger i owned.
  10. It's not a shimano problem. I frequently see in Abu's also. In fact, I've never really seen that problem with non-Pure Fishing style reels. i've seen it most on the old green curado.the line guide and pawl are the problem.
  11. the product is warantied by the manufacturer.
  12. why would you even exspect bps to warranty a pure fishing product?then you get mad because they say to go to pure fishing.think real hard about it.
  13. that would be nice if powerpro came out with a better line.
  14. dodgeguy, you proved my point, directly under my post even. 300 yard spool of 50# test power pro $25 fireline $38 sufix 832 $35 daiwa samurai $46 put another way: dodge charger is outdated. i don't get why anyone would buy it. there are 3 cars out there that blow it away in terms of refinement, power and handling: BMW M3, audi S4, ferrari 458 italia. you are comparing apples to oranges.a 69 dodge charger is a classic car.you're not buying it for anything but that reason. you are buying fishing line for it's performance.there are other lines that out perform pp.now not being able to afford them is a different issue.when i said i don't know why someone would buy it i assumed money was not the problem.
  15. powerpro is outdated.i don't get why anyone would buy it.there are 3 lines out there that blow it away.fireline braid,sufix 832 and diawa samurai.
  16. braid is by far the most sensitive line made .it's not even close.
  17. maybe he's spooling his wrong or using stiff line.
  18. new braids are 8 strand,rounder ,smoother and 832 sinks.
  19. sensation is a copolymer line.it is made of 2 different nylon blends which makes it a copolymer.all lines including fluoro are actually monofiliment lines.mono means one filament or strand.in fishing monofilament generally refers to single blend nylon lines.flouro coated lines are hybrids and are mistakenly refered to as copolymers sometimes.copolymers existed before fluro coated mono came out. i used sensation for 2 years and liked it.it is a very sensative mono.i have heard of guys having line breakage issues with it but i never had that happen when i was using it.
  20. hands down the $99 pflueger supreme with magnesium frame blows away the competition.it is far lighter and smoother imho than any of those reels mentioned.
  21. powerpro is outdated.i suggest fireline braid or sufix 832 or diawa braid.all 3 are far superior to powerpro.
  22. which one?there are 3 different red cajun lines.
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