my daughters school needs your help
as anyone who knows me knows my daughter rebecca has been a drum major of the arlington high school marching band for the past 3 years.arlington is one of the top bands in n.y. state.we placed 2nd at the nysfb championships in syracuse,2nd at the bands of america new england states championship and first at usbba new england states championship this year.we are desperately in need of replacement for our aging uniforms and are seeking a 50000 assistance from pepsi corp to do so.needless to say the money is not in the school budget so we must fund raise.i need BASS RESOURCE members to click on this link
and vote for us every day for a month so we can recieve this can also text a second vote every day.i know i can count on you guys to help the kids.marching band is a worthwhile activity that teachs the kids to be a part of society and that it's not all about "me" .here's our 2010 show at nysfb championships.