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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. i agree on your choice of line size.where i disagree is your statement about the backing/tape not being to prevent line slippage on the spool.braid is notorious for this with any knot.most reel mechanics tell you not to tie to the spool ports.
  2. you dont need a leader.forget the leader.
  3. the reason for backing is to keep the braid from spinning on the spool.line diameter has nothing to do with backing.i use electricak tape instead of backing.
  4. you nedd backing or tape then the braid.
  5. look awesome except for those eva grips.
  6. thanks to all who voted for arlington high school marching band in the pepsi challenge.we won $50000 towards new uniforms.
  7. tonights the last night of voting.please take the time to vote and help the kids out.thanks everyone!!!
  8. i have a friend who uses them on mojo split grips with no problem.i don't understand whats not working for you.
  9. bad idea.good way to bend the spool axle.get a 1 inch dowel and wrap the braid around it and pull..
  10. i'll take a guess at what brand it is.
  11. i have never lost a lure on a cast with braid and ive been using various braids since 1995.as far as braids go sufix 832 rules.it has the best abrasion resistance and the least amount of hassle of any braided line out there.
  12. i think your concept is correct i don't like your rod choices.i would go with st.corix first.
  13. i prefer a foregrip and a complete handle.the foregrip for the reason you mention and the complete handle because of the rearward weight.
  14. i like the tarpon tutorial.someday i hope to catch one.i don't know if i'd try it on my bass rods.
  15. with all due respect your using reels that weigh more than most guys entire combo.my scenario would still hold true if you considered the balance point to be the center of the reel seat.yes if the rod is not balanced to the center of the seat then the reel weight will cause a difference.the 4 oz difference in your reels is more weight than i use to balance two rods.heavier equipment is also harder to balance as it takes even more weight.then again catching tarpon does require heavier equipment.
  16. sufix 832 braid in 10 lb for your spinning and 50 lb on bautcasters will solve all line problems.
  17. rods being tip heavy do not have anything to do with reel weight.a balanced rod is balanced where you hold it which for most of us is the center of the reel seat.if you balance it to that point it will be balanced with any reel.yes there are anglers who don't hold there rods by palming the reel and they would be an exception.some people don't like extra weight needed to balance a rodt and would prefer to have a rod be slightly tip heavy.i prefer my rods to balance on my finger under the center of the reel seat making the tip totally weightless.
  18. wrong.the reel should be completely dissasembbled cleaned and relubed.
  19. thanks guys !!!
  20. i am a pflueger lover and i will tell u don't buy any pflueger baitcaster below the trion at $99.don't buy any pflueger spinning reel below the supreme at $99.don't buy any reels that don't have aluminum or magnesium frames no matter who makes them.`
  21. come on dudes.we need your help.this is free.all you gotta do is vote for us in the pepsi cahallenge every day this month.we are fighting a large voting block that votes for things they aaprove.the only way for us to get funding is to stay in the top ten.we can only do that if you vote for us.
  22. i've used a ton of braids and sufix 832 wins hands down.
  23. absolutely 100% agree with roadwarrior.
  24. my daughters school needs your help as anyone who knows me knows my daughter rebecca has been a drum major of the arlington high school marching band for the past 3 years.arlington is one of the top bands in n.y. state.we placed 2nd at the nysfb championships in syracuse,2nd at the bands of america new england states championship and first at usbba new england states championship this year.we are desperately in need of replacement for our aging uniforms and are seeking a 50000 assistance from pepsi corp to do so.needless to say the money is not in the school budget so we must fund raise.i need BASS RESOURCE members to click on this link http://www.refresheverything.com/arlingtonband and vote for us every day for a month so we can recieve this award.you can also text a second vote every day.i know i can count on you guys to help the kids.marching band is a worthwhile activity that teachs the kids to be a part of society and that it's not all about "me" .here's our 2010 show at nysfb championships.
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