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Everything posted by dodgeguy

  1. the question was what's the best braid not who still fishes with string on a stick.
  2. regular power pro is outdated and inferior.i would try there super slick product.it is a modern smooth 8 strand braid.i use sufix 832 personally.fireline braid is also very good(NOT REGULAR FIRELINE).
  3. leaders are totally not needed.
  4. i have a 7 to 1 narrow spool. it weighs 8 oz so i don't get people saying it weighs a lot.the reel casts as good as it di 4 seasons ago.the finishis indestructable and looks brand new afer 3 full aluminum rowboat seasons.
  5. due to devaluation of the dollar your thirty dollars today is equal to five dollars ibn the eighties.
  6. iuse 10 lb sufix 832 on spinning and 50 lb sufix 832 on baitcasters.
  7. i agree totally.my hand palms my baitcaster.all strikes are felt transmitted through the reel seat to the reel and my hand.the blank passes vibrations through the seat better than it does to your fingers directly on the blank.
  8. i fished pinnacle years ago when they first came out.it looks like their stuff has improved a lot since then.
  9. 50 lb sufix 832 on all baitcasters.
  10. i fish 50 lb sufix 832 for cranks on a graphite rod with a soft tip.i have no problem pulling hooks.loosen your drag and don't horse the fish just keep pressure on them.i fish over rocks all the time and have no abrasion problems.just retie when needed.you have to do this with other lines also.
  11. i was in gander mountain yesterday and was checking out the new powerpro super slick.it seems smoother than 832 or fireline braid.anybody using it yet?i was thinking about giving it a whirl.looks like powerpro might has stepped back into modern times with this line.
  12. i've been looking at these for a while.anybody know what the 6-6 mh weighs?to meit feels like one of the lightest out there bar none.it also feels better balanced than any rod ive ever held.any breakage issues?any warranty issues and if so how were you treated?
  13. i agree.50 lb braid on a baitcaster .i would use 10 lb braid on a spinning rod for this.
  14. run all braid and forget the flouro.
  15. i think white braids are highly visible.the nice thing is you can color them any color you like.
  16. the concept of personal responsibility has left this country.
  17. braid does not sink it floats.the only braid that sinks is sufix 832 and it takes forever so it dos not hurt topwater action.
  18. if you're fishing baitcast use at least 50 lb test.the leader is not needed.use either fireline braid or sufix 832.
  19. i thought they had a six pin brake.
  20. are you talking fireline braid ot fused fireline.fireline braid is awesome.visibility means nothing.
  21. pfluger patriarch baitcaster.
  22. pflueger patriarch baitcaster.
  23. i don' tbelieve visibility matters.abrasion resistance with sufix 832 is greatly increased over other braids and more than i need.as far as getting unstuck a wood dowel wrap the line around will unstick you.if that doesn't work just cut it.
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