i've had graphite frame spinning reels snap the neck like that.that is why i do not tell anybody to buy a pflueger president or any other composite/graphite/zion or any other non magnesium or aluminum framed reel no matter who makes it.
I use braid with no leader for everything.50 lb /12 suffix 832 on baitasters.i will admit I am trying 8 lb flouro on a spinning rod but that may change.
50 lb suffix 832.i never .use leaders even with topwater. you set the hook and reel as fast as you can and get them out of the weeds.if you play easy they will win.
regular powerpro is rough,noisey,digs in and isoutdated.powerpro super slick solves all those issues.sufix 832 is also a great line.i prefer 832 because it sinks and I feel it is more abrasion resistant than other braids.
never use a leader.last night I outfished my buddy who uses a flouro leader 7 to 1.put your bait in front of a biting fish.also select the bait they want.
how much slack are we talking?i have never had this issue.are you guys talking big huge wind blown bows in your line?i've felt fish hit my wacky rig even with wind blown bows in my sufix 832.i don't get it.
if u get powerproget super slick.regular powerpro is outdated.stay away from spiderwire.sufix 832 is the roundest most tightly wound braid.i've used braid since the early 90's and have tried most of them.
i would never fish under 50 on a baitcaster.if you want thin fish 10 lb on spinning.color the last 5 feet black and it will be harder to see in murky water.
it's not bad braid it's just no where near 832.it loses it's color faster.it's not as round or tightly wound.it doesn't sink.832 will give you less slack because it sinks.832 is a whole lot more abrasion resistant.832 is an 8 strand braid where as performance is a six strand and not as smooth.i would take performance over original powerpro.i would take powerpro super slick over performance.i would take 832 over any other braid.i've been using braid since the 90's so i've tried a whole bunch of them and imho 832 is the best one yet.
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