I grew up using spinning. At about age 30 I bought my first baitcasters. 30 years later I have given my last spinning rod to my daughter and now have nothing but baitcasters.
Can't beat a BPS Johnny Morris signature series rod in that price range. Put a top of the line Lew's spinning reel on it for $129. Stay away from graphite -carbon framed spinning reels. To much neck flex.
The last few years Ive switched to Lew's baitcasters and love them. I love the Lfs series reels. I got a new Johnny Morris Patriot 7 MH FAST for Christmas and I'm looking to pair it with the Lew's. Any feedback by guys who own one would be appreciated .
Ouch that sucks. I'd get a BPS Johnny Morris signature series flipping stick with a Lew's LFS . Cost you $250 and ur in business.Of course you can buy better if you can find more money but for that price it's a great deal.
hats off to these guys !!! I bought a bucoo micro years ago when they first came out. rod had a one year warranty. its at least 8 years old. broke the second guide up from the handle. contacted falcon and they are sending me a new rod when they receive mine. they did not ask me to pay the shipping back to me.i will definitely praise them and buy more of their rods.
ive used a bunch of different braids since the 90s.here my top picks of the ones ive used. suffix 832 , tufline domin8 , Berkley trilene professional grade braid , diawa j braid ,powerpro super slick in that order. didn't like any of the spiderwire products after original spidewire.
Took a trip to Cabela's Hartford store today and was really disappointed. Nothing in stock and bare lsles.Hopefully they will get their act together.i can't believe bass pro let it look that bad.
I have been using braid since the early 1990s. I have never had it snap on a cast. Started with 30 lb original spiderwire. Went to 50 lb powerpro. Then used. Spiderwire stealth for a short time followed by sufix performance braid and sufix 832. Used berkely professional grade with awesome results.tried diawa j braid and am now using tufline domin8.out ofaprox 25 years of braid use I've never snapped it on a cast.
I use the Johnny Morris signature series and love them. Never broke 1 in over 15 years. Looked at the rods you mentioned in the store and they look good also I just haven't used them. My wife has a bionic blade and so do some of my buddies. They are all good values.
Fantastic line imho. It has no coating which is why it's limp . Virtually no guide noise because it's so smooth. I use 50 lb and have no digging issues. The only thing is it fades fast which I really could care less. I color the last 10 feet black anyway.
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