Hello everyone!
Just as the topic says this is the start of my return to fishing. It has probably been about 6 years now since I have gone a legitimate fishing trip. Life just seemed to always be in the way, and I wouldn't make time for one of my favorite hobbies. Especially since for the last few years I have been dedicating a lot of time to wrestling (check the name). The other day someone was telling me all of their old fishing stories and I thought to myself, it's about time you stopped just working and start making some time for yourself again. I used to fish all the time. Mostly lakes and ponds. I love bass fishing when I'm just fishing, but some of my favorite to eat are actually crappie and catfish. Small lakes and ponds are where most of my experience is and a little bit of rivers here and there, but not too much.
I'm out in Illinois and visit friends in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Wyoming which all have great fishing. Maybe now that I'm making time for fishing I'll make it out there more often. But I don't know too much about what is the popular gear at the moment and haven't kept up on good spots. And that's part of the reason I joined a forum. I have been a bit out of the loop since I did next to no fishing and haven't checked up on anything lately. I have a bunch of old stuff from when I was younger, but it needs to be updated. So I was hoping to find suggestions on a good pole and reel combos out there right now. Also if anyone has any lures or anything that they swear by (Of course I'll probably just try and stock up on a bunch of stuff and try it out).
So hopefully you will be seeing me around and I won't accidentally stop making time for something I love again. Perhaps you can all help. From what I have seen of this forum it is great and encouraging, which is why I decided to even make an account. Thanks and I hope to someday be helping others who are where in my position!