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  1. Semi-rigid duck 75Hp Mercury Garmin Soon a Minn Kota With some mods she's alright for fishing, it will never be a bass boat but then I like to fish offshore as well, also I have a lot of fun throwing this boat around. Some day I'm sure I'll own a dedicated bass boat
  2. and up before driving back onto the trailer, it's shallower than you'd expect. Stupid lesson to learn the hard way but hey...
  3. I have the same problem, 15 metres becomes 150, but only at speed, so I'll leave that be for now
  4. ;D I know exactly what you mean. inland it's strictly bass, since last year anyway, and inland is where I live now, but when I'm at the coast it's shark, shad, tigers, well anything that bites and fights really. Shark next weekend, can't wait
  5. I'm waiting for my order to arrive, at $11 it cannot be beaten for price, hope it's good. http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?pid=6146085&cart=225773103&style=games&Bab=E
  6. In my wife's words, plus minus... "Once a week every other weekend and it's a hobby, every weekend and you're passionate about the hobby, but every chance you get and creating chances you didn't have is an obsession" I think I may be hooked ;D
  7. hook goes through the middle of the worm as opposed to either side, or head or whatever it is you're fishing, the plastic then hangs on both sides of the hook ofcourse
  8. ok I take that question back, you can have a terrible day out fishing. They say humour is someone else's misery, they're right, this thread is funny, hope you're looking back and laughing as well ;D earthworm77 Share it please, if you're worried it's not PC enough then maybe post a link to it, besides people can choose if they want to read it or not
  9. What could go so wrong as to make a day bad? 'scuse the dumb question, it's just that I can catch nothing all day like yesterday and still have an awesome day, or my kid can get 50 yards of line all tangled up trying to untangle a little line and it's not a bad day. I suppose if I had a boat and the motor blew leaving me stranded or having to row back might contribute to a bad day, anyhat what ruins your day?
  10. What you guys need is a woman that was raised on fishing Sorry mine's already taken ;D I need to wrap my head around this baitcast reel really nicely, and get down to flipping and pitching.
  11. ouch, best I can get the Chronarch for is close to twice as much as the Curado, we already pay +- 150% to 200% compared to prices on US based sites, so that will wait until someday when I have money to burn. Seems like the Curado is a descent buy tho. BTW, since the bearings are stainless steel, is there any reason I can't occasionally use the reel at the coast? I noticed the chronarch said anti-rust bearings, no idea why they wouldn't say the same for the stainless steel bearings found in the curado, what am I missing?
  12. Thanks, I checked the basspro shop amongst others, they don't export to South Africa, and the one I found that does expects $75 shipping I've now opted for a 6'6" Shimano Compre Medium Heavy and either a Shimano Curado or a Shimano Chronarch 100mg, I'm hoping for the Chronarch, depends on affordability, will find out today.
  13. was a while back, last year sometime IIRC, and the only thing that springs to mind was the awful navigation system, but that obviously didn't affect gameplay. Oh and at one point you needed vibration feedback from the control to know a fish was biting, only it didn't work. There was a note on the net somewhere about listening out for a sound instead, and we obviously don't strike based on sounds But, it is a game, and too much realism can kill the fun, maybe rent it and see if you like it, I remember playing it for a few weeks, which is more than I can say for some of my other games.
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