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Everything posted by Dane

  1. Vertical Trainer at GSI Commerce (GSIC for home-gamers) Sporting Goods / Licensed Sports divison I train new hire classes in their second week how to take customer service phone calls for online stores such as: NFL.com NHL.com MLB.com Dickssportinggoods.com Fogdog.com cbssportsline.com And the list goes on and on, 21 different sites in all
  2. without a doubt it is one of the most surreal things I have ever done. A Packer game, in winter, snow covered field, loud (understatement). A must-do for any football fan, Packer fan or not
  3. Dane

    10% Rule

    I am guilty as charged with reading more than replying. and riskkid said it best, I'm learning more than I'm teaching, so usually I will watch threads and view them multiple times to see what kinds of answers it is getting. Thanks fer Lernin' me!
  4. I'm from Wisconsin, or for those of us who are dictating, Wiscahhhsin. I don't notice my accent until I visit other places, and they pick me off easily, I always thought we sounded like the new anchors, but I guess not. The only thing I know we do in the north is run words together like the south, but only to make them one less syllable. Case in point: I live in a city called Chippewa Falls...thats Chipp-e-wa, unless you live in the city, then its Chipp-wa I have always wondered if other languages have such distinct accents. I know spanish from spain and spanish from mexico differ. (my 5 years of spanish paying off in small dividends) However they are from such a major geographical difference. Anybody know of any other main accents from other languages?
  5. haha, thats great, I'm not trying to make fun of you guys, but as a young whippersnapper, reading "old guys" trying to figure out vanilla ice's "ice, ice, baby" is as funny as it gets this late at night. I love this board. Nice catch on the under pressure sample.
  6. Dane

    The departed

    right, you think you are at the ending, and boom, you just got to the good stuff, and it all twists and turns from there! by the way, KU, the cell phone call was by far one of the most intense scenes ive seen in a while.
  7. Its that time of year again! Anybody got some real life experiences with supernatural things? Ghosts, bigfoot, poltergeists, possesions, UFOs? I'll share one with you tomorrow, as for now, the bed is calling my name
  8. So I'm gonna pull a Murray, and recommend this movie to all the adults on the board. I saw this on friday, and it blew me away. go see this movie if you are into crime dramas, or mob movies. or like good things in general Do not see this movie if language or violence with lots and lots and lots of gore offends you, or if you are impressionable. the violence in this movie is absolutely brutal, however, always done in concordance with the story, no senseless car chases. Expect a few gold statues for this movie.
  9. Dane is my first name, and its unique enough. My avatar is my rx-8
  10. Awesome fish! However, never fall in love with the strippers, no matter how cool you think they are. Stripers, on the other hand, is up to personal preference. ;D
  11. ambient/electronic, but also dabble in almost every other musical category
  12. As Dubya would say.. Fool me once...sh-shame on you... Fool me twice...ya..ya..Fool me once, I can't be fooled again. nah really, too bad man..
  13. When I was up for the big promotion at work, I was asked how late I considered "late". I answered 10 minutes early is 5 minutes late. I got the promotion. "On-Time" for me has always been 15 minutes early. Maybe it goes back to high school and college ball practice, where practice is at 4, but you are in the the gym, ready to go, at 3:45. It's just common courtesy.. I can't say I wont wait more than 10-15 mins, I'd probably wait as much as 45, but we all know, being late is disrespectful.
  14. Come on, we all know Glenn didn't create this site, he doesn't even exist... I think the site has been here for eternity, and one day something I like to call "The Big 404 Error" occurred, and the results are what we see today.
  15. Yeah, the football team is no good, But they sure are better than the cheerleaders!
  16. In the pond I fish, I have the same sort of deal, tiny bass getting eaten by big girls on the way in. Then I discovered the super fluke in baby bass color, and I definately reccomend it.
  17. This should give a good understanding of what type of water most people fish. Also will be good to know who else fishes the same type of water. Mark me down for small pond!
  18. adub, i don't wanna sound like an A-hole, but really don't even think about that. there isn't a science behind it, when the fish gets close, grab it and dont let go. The only reason I need to see you through is my fishing partner is d**n near 21 (i'm only 21 myself) and he still gets the fish in the boat and is all wiggly-giggly about lipping it. One of these days, a milwaukee's best light can is gonna fall on top of him, and that will be tragic. Like a previous poster said, go fishing with a girl and you'll get over it quickly.
  19. My father and I were fishing on a fly-in lake in canada, we went with a few of his friends from work, and generally fished the same location on 2 seperate boats. As we are fishing, my father's friend sets down his pole, mid-cast, and opens the cooler and pulls out a brew. He looks at us in the other boat, holds his beer over his head, and says his famous last words. "This is as good as it gets boys!" without missing a beat, the moment he gets done speaking, his rod goes flying off the boat. The events that transpired combined with the look on his face was by far the funniest moment I've ever been a part of. He eventually caught his rod later on, and now is at the cabin over the front door, with a wooden sign underneath that is enscribed "As good as it gets"
  20. I also enjoy the company of a regular fishing partner, so the conversation is fine by me. If the bite goes away, we always bring a dozen worms or so in the blue carton, zip-locked inside the beer cooler. Panfishing always gets me motivated again. We limit our conversations to three things. Sports, Fishing, and hypothetical subjects (such as what you spend your money on after winning that powerball lottery.) That keeps the girl problems and politics out of the way. Either way, there has been countless times where the conversation ends mid-sentance. "I dunno, man, the Packers look terrible, they need...oh...ohh..(sets hook)..Damnit! I had 'em too. Did you see that?" I have to agree with the previous poster, obnoxious kids are by far the biggest pet peeve of mine.
  21. C'mon man, do it! All the cool kids are. You wanna be cool, don't you? i'm not gonna lie, its an unnatural feeling the first time ya do it. Here's the technique my father taught me on my first fishing trip. Reach down into your pants, grab a handful, and just go for it. What I mean is that you are building the suspense, like a bomb is gonna go off, or something drastic is gonna happen when you do it. The first time you grab ahold, you realize - wow...thats it? Dont even think about it, don't build up the suspense. Just go for it.
  22. I use 3 different topwater baits on my pond when its raining. A spook, a pop-r, and a tandem topwater frog, a floating frog with an 8 inch trailing leader and another frog behind that. slow does the trick, and inbetween jerks i like to send some vibrations to the bait by jiggling the rod tip. hope it works for you like it works for me.
  23. enad58 - aim
  24. go away JUST KIDDING, WELCOME!
  25. Being from the north, in my boat a 3lb bass will get a "nice fish" comment from the fishing buddy, a 5lb bass will get a picture, and anything over 6 will get a picture and a memory.
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