I grew up on a farm in East Tn. My dad was a farmer and truck driver and these two things meant you had to learn to back trailers & wagons at a very young age. Anyway back to Dad. He is the only person I have ever seen back 2 four wheel wagons together at once. If you think backing a trailer is tough, try backing a farm wagon. Second part of the story is sort of funny. Dad had a Kenworth truck with a V-12 Detroit Diesel with a 20 speed Spicer Trans. split stick (2 shifters) which had 5 forward gears & reverse on the main stick & 4 gears on the aux. which you could shift 4 times for each gear on the main. The thing I enjoyed most was being with him when the banna boats came into the Port of Mobile to load. There would be hundreds of trucks there to load and when Dads turn came up he would pull up as far from the docks as he could, start backing as hard as he could go, changing gears 4 times while going in reverse, people would stop, look & listen to see what in the H--- was going on. Then he would suddenly come to a stop just before the dock and gently back in. It was quite a treet for a kid and if any of you have ever heard a V-12 Detroit scream you know what I am talking about.