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Everything posted by sully420

  1. It looked like a mental break down to me. Lambert found some more schools and culled while Haynes was on his way home. That was sad to see.
  2. I would also love to know the answer to this great question.
  3. My advice was based on the way I fish. The way I fish I don't need to switch hands after I flip so I was finding myself setting the hook the instant I got a bite. And I'm a Duckett Rod user and imo they are on the lighter end of the spectrum, so with those facts together extremely quick hook sets with my gear (I use trokar Hooks and Snell Knots) I wasn't having success with quick vicious hook sets. That being said I don't advise that you wait forever and let the bass swim around with the Bait in it's mouth. It's the difference between an instant hook set and setting the hook a second later. Generally if I'm having a problem with fish spitting the bait out which I don't very often I go to a powerbait craw or I use like JJ's magic or spike it and they hold on to that bait quite a bit longer. The most important part is understanding how you like to fish and finding the gear and utilizing the techniques that work the best for you.
  4. Wait for the fish to turn with the bait in its mouth and reel and lean back. A quick jarring hook set with your gear will blow a basses mouth open and eject the bait.
  5. Caught some on a wopper plopper last night and some on a popping frog a few nights ago. I could have got more but the wind picked up pretty good and killed the bite.
  6. A trailer would be key. I know it can be intimidating but once you learn its way ez. I can't tell you how many kayak guys I've seen spent two hours loading and unloading their kayak when I just dropped my boat in and pull my boat out and go home.
  7. You can use the same foam chucks that are sold for canoes. There little foam blocks that fit on the gunnel and rest on the roof. You can find them at most outdoor stores.
  8. It actually might be a good idea to meet up for a beer so everybody can get their calendars together and we can figure out a fishing date. I'll be out of town Memorial weekend that's about the only time I won't be able to meet up.
  9. There was lots of pressure. I was lucky i got to the good stuff and fished it fastest.
  10. It was just right this weekend. Probably spawning next week. I was at crooked lake today and the bass were post spwan at least the big females that spawned first. In saturday i got em pre spawn on LOI.
  11. Chatter bait did all the work for me. The bass were really choking it. Sorry to heat that, i was worried for ya when you said you were going to that area. Im waiting 2 weeks to fish up north.
  12. Report: The bass are bitting good. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  13. Omni is good. Im allways down for ipa I'm thinking June 8th for the fishing bit of it. But I'm always down to grab a beer
  14. Either go heavy rod with braid or look into some jigs with lighter wire hooks.
  15. Thats what ya need. At least 3/4 oz fast fall is good you want to be able to punch through the cover fast and keep doing it. The bass can get it befor it hits bottom. But im biased i only use light jigs for dock skipping and really cold water. I also really like dirty jigs they punch well and I like the hook up ratio.
  16. There was some talk of minnesots BS members getting together on a weekend to do some fishing maby a derby. So i started up a topic to see who is interested.
  17. A mojo or split shot rig is also very good for this. Its basically a Carolina rig with 1/4 oz weight or less or just a split shot and a worm. Its great for slowly dragging through grass.
  18. The bass fishing is great.
  19. Love flipping a spinner bait very over looked presentation.
  20. I have fished many lake where the bass were conditioned to chartreuse and natural colors got the bites. So just be aware all colors have there place for many different reasons so be ready to mix it up to learn what they want.
  21. It's too many small bass. Eat the bluegill bass fish somewhere else. Id say eat the bass but really with bluegill like that eat those.
  22. They all work great and will fit on you're boat. Just think about the battery space you have and get the biggest you can fit and the mist power and thrust you can support with your battery space available.
  23. Native eyewear company is privately owned and based in Colorado. I Just orderd a pair of 3rd party lenses from fuse lenses they are half the price of the native lenses. I will tell you guys how thay compare when i get them.
  24. Mpls st paul metro area lake should be open thus weekend. Lake Harriet is 70% open
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